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  1. Jason76

    Why do extremists hate Jews so much?

    In the case of the Nazis, Germany's economy was in the dumps and since Jews owned so much of the economy in proportion to their population, they became a popular scapegoat, so like with Amin in Uganda decades later (with the Indians), he made a move against them, making them leave and if they...
  2. Jason76

    World War II Question

    Hitler attacked Russia because he didn't want to conquer the west anyway. He wanted the east. He only fought the west because they were a block to the "eastern plans". As for Japan, they didn't want to attack America, but they couldn't get oil from the US, so they wanted America crippled so...
  3. Jason76

    Are you known about SEO articles?

    Some websites trying to impress search engines is laughable. It was really worse in the past probably. I mean, I went on this one site and it was obviously meant to game the engines with no punches being pulled.
  4. Jason76

    Free or Premium Software?

    I am using SMF for two of my forums and XenForo for one. Well, XF is far better cause it has more cool doo-dads on it, you know, stuff like the built-in reactions mod. Note: I will probably move everything to XF at some point, even though I really like SMF. XF and other paid stuff is simply...
  5. Jason76

    Xenforo too expensive?

    Do you see an advantage in it? Why do you use it? Obviously, they got some gimmick going as an advantage in the market. What is it?
  6. Jason76

    Green Hosting

    @Nomad gave a good description. It's environmentally conscious hosting. Well, it's known that hosting is a wasteful user of energy, hence the interest in this stuff.
  7. Jason76

    Free domains

    What I am saying is not free, but it's a good deal. It's the fact you can search and find at least one deal (probably more out there) where .coms are a dollar. Anyway, I won't mention where it is cause it would be spamming on here. There are probably places to get free domain extensions...
  8. Jason76

    Anyone use Yahoo?

    I was a big user of Yahoo back in the day. I used the email, the chat, and the groups (now done away with). Who else has used the chat and groups?
  9. Jason76

    Are you a saver or a spender?

    I am trying to get into the habit of saving nowadays. However, it is really tough because I have so many bills and obligations, but it's doable. Anyway, I can't do any real saving until some more months pass, I think.
  10. Jason76

    Do you prefer sleeping on the mat?

    I slept on mats during breaks at kindergarten. Have any of you done the same? Anyway, I haven't slept on a mat since, instead using sleeping bags or, of course, beds.
  11. Jason76

    Jehovah's Witnesses

    Yeah, they don't marry out of or have close relationships outside the faith. It's because the Bible tells Christians to behave that way and they believe they are the only real Christians.
  12. Jason76


    There is definitely a world full of good and evil spirits. The bible says that's the case. Also, the Christian is involved in a daily battle in this "Cold War" of sorts.
  13. Jason76

    Minimum Wage Increases

    I really feel like the inflation is planned. Someone is buying up land and food. Is this conspiracy far-fetched? OK, look at Bill Gates being the biggest landowner in the US. ;)
  14. Jason76

    "War" banned in Russia

    It's funny to see that the right-wing people, well Putin is more favorable to western right-wing people, also have this politically correct speech thing going on. I mean, why not call stuff what it is?
  15. Jason76

    Jehovah's Witnesses

    What do you feel is false about it? It's because they believe they are the only true faith.
  16. Jason76

    Minimum Wage Increases

    I see the logic. However, though, wages only increase for those they still hold on to. Anyway, it seems to be a thing where there is no solution. What might be some?
  17. Jason76

    What's the Most Humbling Moment You've Ever Experienced?

    I kept acting out in high school. They had reached their end and decided to hospitalize me.
  18. Jason76

    Jehovah's Witnesses

    I used to be one. I feel bad about leaving. I learned much about the religion and was even at the level where I was allowed to knock on doors. Anyway, though, I think a lot of the religion is right, but there are flaws. What do you all know about JWs?
  19. Jason76

    God men.

    Yeah, there's a lot of creepy pastors. Some of them include Joel Osteen and, especially, Kenneth Copeland. These guys are heretics, but I do think Joel Osteen has a good heart. Well, I don't really understand what is in the mind of these guys.
  20. Jason76

    The Mormon Religion

    I recently had a chat with this Native American person in Nashville. He was talking about the Mormon religion. That church is big out in the west, where he is from. Anyway, he's not a believer in it, I think, just familiar.