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"War" banned in Russia


Mar 1, 2022
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In Russia, you aren't allowed to say the word "war". If you do tho, and are caught doing so, you have a great chance of facing big problems.

Instead of war, you should say special military operation. That's referring to what's happening in Ukraine right now. In Russia they say that the "war" is Western propaganda and there is no such thing going on.

What are your  thoughts on this? Do you think it's brainwashing or truth?
RE: "War" banned in Russia

Freedom of speech is only in America and similar nations. It's something that people get used to in America is their freedoms. You don't have those freedoms in Eastern Worlds and it could let tourist in jail. The hardest part is when your only on vacation and land in a prison cell and it's happened to a lot of people.
RE: "War" banned in Russia

TopSilver said:
Freedom of speech is only in America and similar nations. It's something that people get used to in America is their freedoms. You don't have those freedoms in Eastern Worlds and it could let tourist in jail. The hardest part is when your only on vacation and land in a prison cell and it's happened to a lot of people.
That must really suck for the tourists than got in a cell. In which country did that happen? I got interested in hearing the story. Maybe you could link me to some article that tells the story of the tourists?
RE: "War" banned in Russia

Well, sorry to be snarky and cynical, lol, but plenty of speech in the US will land you in hot water, though, often not with law enforcement.   The PC is out of control.   You have to be on your tiptoes about what you say and this is a far cry from someone truly being a jerk who speaks his/her mind.
RE: "War" banned in Russia

Russia has their codes of operations and it is obvious that they are doing everything to ensure that they don't align with the Western ideology.
I actually want world Peace and unity because that's the only way could progress and prosper as a humans.
I actually want world Peace and unity because that's the only way could progress and prosper as a humans.
There has never been peace in the world, ever. And seeing as human nature is not likely to change anytime soon, there never will be.
It's funny to see that the right-wing people, well Putin is more favorable to western right-wing people, also have this politically correct speech thing going on. I mean, why not call stuff what it is?
The terminology used to describe a conflict, such as "war" versus "special military operation," can significantly shape public perception and narrative. In the case of Russia's framing of the situation in Ukraine as a "special military operation," this terminology appears to serve a political and psychological purpose. By avoiding the word "war," Russian authorities may aim to minimize the perceived severity of the situation, reduce public dissent, and frame the actions as controlled and justified rather than aggressive or invasive.