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God men.

Lord Saru

Jun 6, 2020
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With the explosion of multiple religious strands, the degradation of moral values and materialism in people, there is a proliferation of God men in general terms. Almost all claim to be either divine by themselves or a incarnation or representative of a bigger God. What do you think about the reasons and the effects of God men on the society?
RE: God men.

There are quite a bit of "God Men" out there. Some people think they're God. A lot of times it stems from a mental illness and the person is just simply confused. Something called "Delusions of Grander". I used to be just like that but I was in a confused state of mind. Other times the person is arrogant and simply thinks they're God for different reasons. A lot of it has to do with being small-minded and thinking it was even possible to be something on that scale. In my opinion, something that large of a scale is down-played too much in society. No one knows the extent of the almighty's power and if they did they would immediately know that was impossible.
RE: God men.

I belong to Hindu culture and religion.  Hinduism is basically a polytheistic belief. The modern Hindu society is proliferated with numerous "God-Men" or "God-Women." In my opinion, 99 percent of these individuals are fraudsters. There is one certain God-man in my hoe country who is facing a trail for rape. In India, God-men have gone to jail for murder and rapes.
RE: God men.

It is unbelievable and strange that people believe in such fraudsters claiming themselves to be godman or reincarnation of supreme being. These people play up to the mental instability of people, who are by nature very religious and hence vulnerable. Little do they doubt that these self-claimed frauds are just treading on their weakness. It is sad that education and morden science have failed to remove these vultures who prey upon the innocent people.
RE: God men.

Anyone who claims to be a Godman is a fraud.  He plays on the sentiments of people with his tricks and exploit gullible people in the name of God just for money.
RE: God men.

Godmen are capable of attracting attention and support from large sections of society. Many of them blindly believe them.  In my opinion, they are frauds and cheat people and turn them into the wrong path.
Yeah, there's a lot of creepy pastors. Some of them include Joel Osteen and, especially, Kenneth Copeland. These guys are heretics, but I do think Joel Osteen has a good heart. Well, I don't really understand what is in the mind of these guys.
I follow a couple of Gurus, you can call them God men, if you like, but in our culture, Gurus are not basically God men, they are just a teacher who guide people. Some of Gurus have been inspiring me for a long time