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    Last post wins!

    I refuse to believe that!
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    Donkey Kong Country

    RE: Donkey Kong Country True it was much scratchier sounding.
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    Remember this?

    RE: Remember this? Nicw. Cod 4 was some good times.
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    What kind of stuff do you guys watch on YouTube?

    RE: What kind of stuff do you guys watch on YouTube? I just watch whatever is on. lotta vinesauce, lotta what a cartoon.
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    Donkey Kong Country

    RE: Donkey Kong Country Yeah the 16 bit and 32 bit eras had kickass music. Just look at Doom!
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    Last Game Played?

    RE: Last Game Played? Last game I played was Garry's mod. It was hella fun.
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    RE: vBulletin I hear it doesnt really have much in terms of apps but themes are still a thing I think.
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    Hi welcome to mindpiff!
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    Ey thanks! Nice to meet you!
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    Donkey Kong Country

    RE: Donkey Kong Country This game will always be a favorite. I think the theme of 1 or 2 would be my favorite track.
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    RE: vBulletin The ACP is a mess. I guess it had its own thing but its nowhere near what it used to be.
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    A new me!

    RE: A new me! Congradulations and I wiah you all the best!
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    Official Post Your Steam ID Thread

    RE: Official Post Your Steam ID Thread https://steamcommunity.com/id/abizaga here is mine.
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    Count to 2021 before 2021

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    Donkey Kong Country

    This game was such a huge and important part of my childhood. I played this whenever I visited my best friend and I have so many good memories with it! What about you guys?
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    So I know alot of you will probably say that today it's garbage.... and I agree lol. However there once was a time it was on top of the industry. Did you guys ever get to use it during the 3.x days? Did you use it after that?
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    Anyone ever seen the show Amish Mafia?

    RE: Anyone ever seen the show Amish Mafia? I have not but now even if it's fake I'm REALLY curious.
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    American Revolution

    RE: American Revolution Oh the American Revolution is one hell of a story. How George Washington managed to keep his army together is imressive. Did we ever actually re pay France for helping us out though? :ROFLMAO:
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    Last Game Played?

    RE: Last Game Played? Last game I played was Jedi Knights III Jedi Academy on switch!
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    Game Modding

    I wonder how many of you guys are into making game mods? If you do, what game?