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Anyone ever seen the show Amish Mafia?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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Just wondering. I think the whole show is fake. Wondering what you guys think about the Amish and how they speak a whole different language. Has anyone ever been around real Amish people? Their language looks incredibly hard to understand. I don't think it would be easy to learn it.

Anyways if you've heard of the show it's like these gangster Amish people that go around breaking the law in the name of the Amish. It's a funny show to watch but at the same time I feel like the show took it too far. Thoughts?
RE: Anyone ever seen the show Amish Mafia?

It's fake. Yes, some of those people WERE Amish but they don't live that lifestyle and they are just actors now trying to make a buck. There were some news articles about them and how they purposely set up incidents for the show that aren't true.

I live near the Amish and for the most part they keep to themselves and some have little shops or markets where you can buy things and they'll be pleasant but they aren't very chatty. They like to do outdoor jobs like building things...they built our back deck and it's super strong/stable!

Their language is something that caught me off guard because I was walking past the one room schoolhouse one day when the kids were at recess and some of them were saying things to me and at one point I realized I couldn't understand them. I didn't know if they were being rude to me or not.

Now there ARE some Amish that do bad things. I worked with a guy who told me that even though most are honest people you still get crime in the community because they're just like the rest of us, sinful people.
RE: Anyone ever seen the show Amish Mafia?

It's fake. Yes, some of those people WERE Amish but they don't live that lifestyle and they are just actors now trying to make a buck. There were some news articles about them and how they purposely set up incidents for the show that aren't true.
I live near the Amish and for the most part they keep to themselves and some have little shops or markets where you can buy things and they'll be pleasant but they aren't very chatty. They like to do outdoor jobs like building things...they built our back deck and it's super strong/stable!

Their language is something that caught me off guard because I was walking past the one room schoolhouse one day when the kids were at recess and some of them were saying things to me and at one point I realized I couldn't understand them. I didn't know if they were being rude to me or not.

Now there ARE some Amish that do bad things. I worked with a guy who told me that even though most are honest people you still get crime in the community because they're just like the rest of us, sinful people.
Yeah the Amish have always seemed mysterious to me. I'm sure most of them are far better at not sinning and living a better lifestyle than most of us our regardless. They seem to be much more in tune with the right ways to live rather then living a bad lifestyle. Your always going to have certain people in crowds that do bad things and the Amish are no exception as I'm sure there's a few bad apples but regardless the majority seem to be good people. Would be interesting to go on a tour one day of an Amish village and meet some. I would love that a lot.
RE: Anyone ever seen the show Amish Mafia?

Yeah the Amish have always seemed mysterious to me. I'm sure most of them are far better at not sinning and living a better lifestyle than most of us our regardless. They seem to be much more in tune with the right ways to live rather then living a bad lifestyle. Your always going to have certain people in crowds that do bad things and the Amish are no exception as I'm sure there's a few bad apples but regardless the majority seem to be good people. Would be interesting to go on a tour one day of an Amish village and meet some. I would love that a lot.
There are buggy tours in a city nearby where the Amish live and they take people around to the farms and markets but it's not cheap. I've never done a tour because I get to see my Amish neighbors all the time.

Yesterday my husband and I were out walking and the Amish guy around the corner was shooting birds up in the trees. I think he was getting his breakfast???? The guy is a little crazy I think because his house is right next to the street so I don't think it's legal for him to be shooting his gun there.
RE: Anyone ever seen the show Amish Mafia?

I remember seeing commercials for that back in the day, but yeah it was reality tv and mostly setup stuff. I've seen some Amish shopping around, despite outdated clothing they seem like nice people.
RE: Anyone ever seen the show Amish Mafia?

I have not but now even if it's fake I'm REALLY curious.