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  1. Joshua Farrell

    Yearly or Monthly subscriptions

    RE: Yearly or Monthly subscriptions I prefer to be able to pay for things upfront. If a year or longer is available to pay for a subscription, I am more likely to get that. My X-Box Live Gold subscription being one of them. It is far cheaper to get that as a year subscription, than the monthly...
  2. Joshua Farrell

    India launches world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive

    RE: India launches world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive I hope this does wonders for those who need it the most. Hopefully there wouldn't be too many politics involved. Hate it when politicians think that they need to haggle for rights to get access to things like this.
  3. Joshua Farrell

    Space Engine - Travel Through a NASA simulation of the Universe

    RE: Space Engine - Travel Through a NASA simulation of the Universe I remember hearing something about this awhile back, but never gave it a shot. Might give it a try, as I have the minimum specs on my desktop.
  4. Joshua Farrell

    Nick vs Cartoon Network

    RE: Nick vs Cartoon Network I enjoyed both networks when I was younger. Though honestly, I think I spent more time during the week watching Cartoon Network, and watched Nickelodeon during the weekends. Probably has to do with the fact that I was home schooled for a good year, and Dragon Ball Z...
  5. Joshua Farrell

    Upload schedule

    RE: Upload schedule It depends on where I am posting, and what I am creating, to be honest. But in the generic sense, I do have frequencies I have for daily, weekly and monthly schedules. For example, if I am scheduling my topic creation in advance, I try to keep to 2-5 per day, if I am posting...
  6. Joshua Farrell

    Worn out custom machines

    RE: Worn out custom machines I keep it for atleast a half a year, for data transferring, if I accidentally delete a backup of something I wanted to save. After that, I put everything on it to an external drive, and trash the computer.
  7. Joshua Farrell


    RE: America..... It is mainly the way that people used to talk about the day and month, way back when. Most people back a few hundred years would generally talk with the month before the day, and that eventually transferred to a written down standard for telling time.
  8. Joshua Farrell

    Tigertail on Netflix

    RE: Tigertail on Netflix I never got around to watching this. Is it any good? I don't want to watch something if it had bad acting, or if the story is too dry.
  9. Joshua Farrell

    Future of Technology

    RE: Future of Technology Robotic machinery have already been integrated in some industries, like automobile making. Most of your car makers have robotics constructing the cars and trucks, in a large portion of their production line. It ofcourse makes sense that they also have people that are...
  10. Joshua Farrell

    I'm proud to announce... something pleasing to the eye (custom theme)

    I was wondering what the deal was with the site when I initially tried visiting after it went into maintenance. Love the new theme!
  11. Joshua Farrell

    Area 51

    RE: Area 51 While I don't think they are hiding aliens and alien tech there at the base, previous history of the base, suggests that they use the base to test new aircraft tech that they don't plan on releasing information on initially. Which that does make sense, since you don't want your...
  12. Joshua Farrell

    Similar Threads, new addition to Mind Piff

    This is a nice feature to have. Would definitely help with creating new topics, if the topics are filled in with appropriate information. :D I hate creating new topics, if I can't find information from a search for a older topic that may be similar.
  13. Joshua Farrell

    Why do extremists hate Jews so much?

    RE: Why do extremists hate Jews so much? The Jews are hated, simply for their role in the death of Jesus Christ. Nothing less. Throughout history, this has been a common theme with most mass killings and mass exportation, because of that. Excluding Hitler, that really is the main reason. Spain...
  14. Joshua Farrell

    Pre Built vs Custom Built

    RE: Pre Built vs Custom Built I prefer desktops really. My day to day use is always on desktop.
  15. Joshua Farrell

    Mandatory Masks

    RE: Mandatory Masks I generally only wear masks, when I go to places where it is mandatory to wear one. I dislike the fact that, while masks can be effective, they seem to do the worst for those who still don't practice the best hygiene in the world (washing hands whenever possible, does...
  16. Joshua Farrell

    Pre Built vs Custom Built

    RE: Pre Built vs Custom Built I have always wanted to build my own desktop, as I have taken apart a few I have owned in the past, but never really had the money to splurge for the parts, all upfront when I want to do it.
  17. Joshua Farrell

    MSI or ASUS

    RE: MSI or ASUS Been pretty happy with Dell personally, but the ASUS tablet with the detachable keyboard that I own, seems to work just fine most days, even with Windows 10 on it.
  18. Joshua Farrell

    What kind of Phone Do You Have?

    RE: What kind of Phone Do You Have? I have a TCL Android 8.1. Usable. Been meaning to update to Andriod 9 or 10, but haven't gotten around to it, as the phone is still in good condition, and it still gets it's automatic updates.
  19. Joshua Farrell

    First ever game console?

    RE: First ever game console? I had the original playstation. I remember playing hours of Gex: Enter the Gecko and Metal Gear Solid, on it.
  20. Joshua Farrell

    Here comes the Josh

    Hi everyone! The name is Joshua Farrell, though you can call me Josh if you want. :D Love enjoying playing games and watching casts of competitions in games. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. :)