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India launches world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive

RE: India launches world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive

I find it interesting that India has taken this initiative to ship vaccine. You wonder if it's only to make money or if they really want to help people. Or if it's even the same vaccine in the United States. I wonder what their FDA is called and if it's the same one. Probably is.
RE: India launches world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive

When world need help India is always there Great job by my country we take to our neighborhood and the world we believe in one world one family btw not for pakistan
RE: India launches world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive

Glad to hear it 1@Joshi[/uSER]. I don't know much about India but I know they have a lot of culture to learn about. I think it's where the religion Hinduism originated. They have many gods and goddesses and talk about something called the Nogga that live underground and are snake-like. I do however imagine that the intent is quite well placed. They will probably do a great job helping other nations out.
RE: India launches world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive

Glad to hear it 1@Joshi[/uSER]. I don't know much about India but I know they have a lot of culture to learn about. I think it's where the religion Hinduism originated. They have many gods and goddesses and talk about something called the Nogga that live underground and are snake-like. I do however imagine that the intent is quite well placed. They will probably do a great job helping other nations out.
RE: India launches world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination drive

I hope this does wonders for those who need it the most. Hopefully there wouldn't be too many politics involved. Hate it when politicians think that they need to haggle for rights to get access to things like this.