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Upload schedule


Oct 26, 2020
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For those who are content creators, do you have an upload schedule? What I mean to say, a routine of uploading a video daily, weekly, or monthly? Do you feel this method helps retain subscribers and viewers? I have one where I upload at least once a week to keep my audience engaged.
RE: Upload schedule

No.. I'm a lazy (and otherwise very busy) admin, it happens when it happens :ROFLMAO:

Thankfully I have a staff member who is really keen on writing content and is doing an incredible job. Eventually our Wiki will become the homepage, and the forums will move to a sub-directory.
RE: Upload schedule

It depends on where I am posting, and what I am creating, to be honest. But in the generic sense, I do have frequencies I have for daily, weekly and monthly schedules. For example, if I am scheduling my topic creation in advance, I try to keep to 2-5 per day, if I am posting a large number of them.
RE: Upload schedule

As and when really, probably why only have a few subscribers. Need to try and post more content and more often.
RE: Upload schedule

never try on same time just upload when feel free