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Retired Staff
Apr 16, 2018
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The United States for whatever reason uses the MM/DD/YY... why? Why not just make it simple and use what the majority of the world uses? DD/MM/YY.
RE: America.....

I'm used the the old school way. I never delved much into other countries date formats. Nice to learn that. Of course I haven't traveled very far.
RE: America.....

I'm used the the old school way. I never delved much into other countries date formats. Nice to learn that. Of course I haven't traveled very far.
DD/MM/YY is superior and makes sense.
RE: America.....

The thousand separator is ( , ) while we use ( . )

In other things we're different. Our seasons are from Jan to Dic, theirs are from Mid-year summer to the other.

I think it's cool to have it your way too :P
RE: America.....

It is mainly the way that people used to talk about the day and month, way back when. Most people back a few hundred years would generally talk with the month before the day, and that eventually transferred to a written down standard for telling time.
RE: America.....

I find DD/MM/YY kuch convenient to write up, but don’t mind it the other way also. It’s just takes your extra attention sometimes and nothing much.
RE: America.....

Americans are still following the imperial system than the metric ones which all other countries use.
RE: America.....

Nagato said:
The United States for whatever reason uses the MM/DD/YY... why? Why not just make it simple and use what the majority of the world uses? DD/MM/YY.
As long as you understood the information it repeatedly represented, what's the point of dragging it out? 
RE: America.....

Nagato said:
The United States for whatever reason uses the MM/DD/YY... why? Why not just make it simple and use what the majority of the world uses? DD/MM/YY.
DD/MM/YY format is what I have been making use of for as long as I can remember. I even set it up like that in my smartphone as well as my laptop. 
RE: America.....

Jessica said:
I find DD/MM/YY kuch convenient to write up, but don’t mind it the other way also. It’s just takes your extra attention sometimes and nothing much.
The use of technology have made it all better now that you don't have to worry about it but set it accordingly to your preferred way in your smartphone. 
RE: America.....

Heatman said:
The use of technology have made it all better now that you don't have to worry about it but set it accordingly to your preferred way in your smartphone. 
Yes that's for sure how most people do it now. You can even use it as your wallpaper and lock screen and get very conversant with it. 
RE: America.....

DD/MM/YY format is what's very commonly used around here and I'm very sure that most people would get confused if you gave them documents that it's used the other way around. 
RE: America.....

Martinsx said:
DD/MM/YY format is what's very commonly used around here and I'm very sure that most people would get confused if you gave them documents that it's used the other way around. 
As long as I get to understand the time and the format it comes with, I will always overlook how it's presented most of the time. 
RE: America.....

Nagato said:
The United States for whatever reason uses the MM/DD/YY... why? Why not just make it simple and use what the majority of the world uses? DD/MM/YY.
Some people get confused about that especially with the day and month placement especially when it's not above 12 in the days of the week. 