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Tigertail on Netflix

RE: Tigertail on Netflix

This seems like an interesting show. The previews seem a bit lacking in information on what it's about but from the looks of it she left an old lover in her country and came to America with another guy. Apparently she loves the man she left behind. I like the sound of how the show looks. Nice find
RE: Tigertail on Netflix

It came out on my birthday and so I gave it a shot. It was actually pretty good. Really worth it. I would highly recommend it!
RE: Tigertail on Netflix

Damn Netflix getting me choked up while I eat breakfast :(
RE: Tigertail on Netflix

I never got around to watching this. Is it any good? I don't want to watch something if it had bad acting, or if the story is too dry.
RE: Tigertail on Netflix

On 4/5/2020 at 10:34 PM, JoyFreak said:

Anyone excited to watch this? It's coming to Netflix April 10. Here's the trailer. Let me know what you think!

I watched it the very moment it came out and I really end up getting my hands full with it. It's a very good one which I even recommended to my colleagues and they liked it. 