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  1. Jason76

    Would you join the army?

    It's tough to get true believers, especially when the war doesn't threaten national security. For instance, you can convince some American whose images of Communism are reeducation camps and Pol Pot killing fields to go die for South Vietnam, but that's probably not the majority.
  2. Jason76

    Good Things Happening to the Unbeliever and Even Wicked

    The Bible teaches that believers are to depend on God and be blessed. It teaches they will be the head and not the tail. Anyway, though, how do you explain all the people doing quite well not believing or even not believing and being horrible people?
  3. Jason76

    Serving God with No Strong Church and/or Religious Family

    I think it's very tough. Well, people tend to do better in the right environment. For instance, people are way more likely to workout, if they're at a gym. Do you feel like being a lone religious person is challenging idea? How would you deal with the problem?
  4. Jason76

    Green Hosting

    I've had very good experiences with green hosting providers, but that doesn't mean that the green hosting scene is legit, though. Well, I think it is, but maybe in the grand scheme of things, it makes no difference to pollution, but perhaps the attempt is admirable.
  5. Jason76

    Does anyone use Twitter?

    He's allowing for freedom of speech which I'm all for, but, of course, this opens the platform to the sewer of hate. Well, that's the price of freedom I think, though. Anyway, the extreme left thinks anyone who disagrees with their extreme agenda is hate, which is wrong.
  6. Jason76

    Who can draw or paint?

    I can't draw or paint, at least I haven't trained myself to do it, but I do like computer art programs like GIMP, Poser, Blender etc.. They are so much fun, as much fun as music, my main hobby.
  7. Jason76

    True love or 10 million dollars?

    Money is not everything. Your true love is as valuable as your eyes. I don't see this as a good trade-off.
  8. Jason76

    Would you join the army?

    Does anyone feel like not wanting to kill others for your nation's security is simply demanding others do it for you? It reminds me of that argument that people will eat meat from a grocery store etc., but they don't want to shoot innocent animals.
  9. Jason76

    Free WiFi?

    The best spot for free wi-fi would be the local library and you don't have some expectation of having to buy something, ha ha. Anyway, at some libraries, you can also catch the signal good from outside the library, in case it is after-hours and cops don't mind, ha ha.
  10. Jason76

    World War II Question

    Yeah, that's funny. Indeed, he was seen as turning Germany around and standing up against Communism. However, though, there were always strong critics and it's surprising Time would have honored him.
  11. Jason76

    Jehovah's Witnesses

    They have branches all over the world. They use a modified Bible. They are strongly persecuted in many nations.
  12. Jason76

    Green Hosting

    I agree. The only truly green energy sources are windmills, solar panels etc.. How much of the green industry is really using only those things?
  13. Jason76

    Shared Hosting

    I have a reseller account with a resource boost. It's fast enough, but I don't know what the situation would be with a lot of traffic. I'm assuming it would still be fast.
  14. Jason76

    Free WiFi?

    The wifi password at the store is BuySomethingOrLeave. :D I saw that cartoon on social media. I think it was from The Far Side.
  15. Jason76

    Thoughts on Pentacostal Denomination/Preachers that Yell

    It depends on what I know personally about the preacher. If I got a good understanding of what he's about, then I can tolerate some yelling, but not all the time. Anyway, it's also about how you yell.
  16. Jason76


    Today on a forum someone mentioned a horror story from Catholic school, and I believe it. No doubt, some religious schools have sadists in important positions, and, of course, they use a holier-than-thou attitude to justify their behavior.
  17. Jason76

    Demon Possession

    People are probably influenced by demons all the time. However, there is no need for demons to act all weird and do stuff like on the Exorcist. That only happens when it's needed. ;)
  18. Jason76

    Jehovah's Witnesses

    They believe they are the purest Christian church. They believe all other churches have sold out to various degrees. It's the same thing I think with Mormonism. They also think they are the only true church and the most pure.
  19. Jason76


    I find it easy to believe in evil spirits, but way tougher to believe in the idea of a Christian heaven. It's because I've seen so much damage by evil.
  20. Jason76

    The Mormon Religion

    Tea and coffee are highly addictive. However, people are so hooked on them, it seems like water to them. It's become a very socially acceptable drug, but people have probably gone thru much of human history not needing it.