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The Mormon Religion


Apr 7, 2024
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I recently had a chat with this Native American person in Nashville. He was talking about the Mormon religion. That church is big out in the west, where he is from. Anyway, he's not a believer in it, I think, just familiar.
I do not know much about Mormon religion but what what I know I can say it is not a religion, it is just a small, insignificant movement within the christian faith. I can understand why Mormon religion forbids alcohol and tobacco but how can they forbid something like tea and coffee.
I do not know much about Mormon religion but what what I know I can say it is not a religion, it is just a small, insignificant movement within the christian faith. I can understand why Mormon religion forbids alcohol and tobacco but how can they forbid something like tea and coffee.
Tea and coffee are highly addictive. However, people are so hooked on them, it seems like water to them. It's become a very socially acceptable drug, but people have probably gone thru much of human history not needing it.
Tea and coffee are highly addictive. However, people are so hooked on them, it seems like water to them. It's become a very socially acceptable drug, but people have probably gone thru much of human history not needing it.
Most of the world religions have some taboo foods and drinks. The reason behind this thing seems too silly for me. For instance, in our community we don't eat pigs and cows. It is taboo.