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Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
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Some people are that way. In fact, even many non-religious people are that way.   They love to rub stuff in, and they are obnoxious.

Anyway, I wouldn't say all people who are obsessed with religion are holier-than-thou.  No, it requires hateful self-righteousness.   However, though, many just don't like anyone talking about religion, in general.  Of course, there is also this thing where people specifically dislike Christians.  
RE: Holier-Than-Thou

I am a Christian I don't dislike religion as a whole. Provided you're worshipping your creator or God, their is no problem. But it shouldn't be used to force people into what they don't like, or simply abusing other religions, because they aren't having same doctrine with you. 
Religion is a private affair, it is between you and the God you believe. But sadly religion has been made a public affair, even the wars are being justified on the basis of religion. We need to try to become human before becoming holy man.
Today on a forum someone mentioned a horror story from Catholic school, and I believe it. No doubt, some religious schools have sadists in important positions, and, of course, they use a holier-than-thou attitude to justify their behavior.