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Demon Possession


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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So on the topic of demons and demonic possession. One of the scariest things in your entire life. Has anyone ever had the experience of a demon possessed person going crazy at church or something?

This may be surprising but people have walked into church and gone mad before at the alter. If I was able I would exercise every last one but it's so hard to do. The scriptures of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and also Isiah is what your supposed to use I believe. Mostly the gospel but it's one scary thing.

Do you at least believe it's real or had an encounter that scared you?
RE: Demon Possession

I do not believe in demons or demonic possession. There are instances in religious places where you see people going bonkers. Science has observed that it could be due to some changes in frequency which can happen when you hear regular beats or repetitive chants continuously for example which disturbs their mind. I believe such actions are seen more on people with weak or possibly disturbed minds. Yes, it's really scary and It is unfortunate that such instances are used to create a kind of fear in the minds of both adults and children alike for obvious reasons. By the way I am not an atheist, I believe in god.
RE: Demon Possession

I didn't have any such experience. I believe many people hear stories when they are young and it gets rooted in then deeply and it gets expressed when something happens and they unconsciously behave as if they were possed.

Everything has to have a purpose there i don't see any purpose for the devil to posses anyone's body just to scare others.
RE: Demon Possession

Personally I'm not atheist either. A Christian myself but the reason I believe the devil is real is because of the Bible. Which I'm one of those types of people that believe every word the Bible says. Though I'm a strange one because I also believe in things like reincarnation and different aspects of life most people wouldn't think of could be real. I suppose it's how I'm special which may show lots of growth in life to actually be so open minded but still believe the bible. Most Christians that are like this reject the thought of anything such as aliens, or any spiritual type beliefs.

I don't think the Devil does it to scare others. I think he does it for attention. And the fact that he can cause someone so much pain. Or perhaps force them to do harm to someone. It's VERY rare someone is possessed by a demon. So please understand that I mean it when it say that it is rare. I'm not simply embarking on such wild beliefs without telling you how RARE it is. Many times people pretend. But it is possible in my opinion and has happened to people as scary as that sounds. I respect all forms of opinion and belief though so no worries (y) I completely respect it.
RE: Demon Possession

So on the topic of demons and demonic possession. One of the scariest things in your entire life. Has anyone ever had the experience of a demon possessed person going crazy at church or something?
This may be surprising but people have walked into church and gone mad before at the alter. If I was able I would exercise every last one but it's so hard to do. The scriptures of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and also Isiah is what your supposed to use I believe. Mostly the gospel but it's one scary thing.

Do you at least believe it's real or had an encounter that scared you?
first I'm hearing of people going mad before the alter. Got any examples?
RE: Demon Possession

I think demon possession is real, but most of the time, I think it happens because people choose to disobey God. Not the sensational demon possession
RE: Demon Possession

first I'm hearing of people going mad before the alter. Got any examples?
It's usually the preacher going mad. Especially in Pentecostal churches which my family denominates. But the majority of the time when that happens it's the result of some preacher or priest trying to drive it out. Demons don't like that. In fact they hate it and fight thumb and thimble to keep themselves possessing the victim. A lot of times nothing happens except for yelling and screaming. Other times demon possessed victims will actually lash out and there have been reports especially if you watched the exorcist and know about that house in Connecticut - There was a separate movie for that - The Haunting in Connecticut, where the person may become violent and even have some type of heightened or what may appear to be strange power about them where they may possibly on rare instances elevate off the ground.

Details on this can be found in the Catholic records. What may bother most is the thought of the apparent demon inside the person being in Hell at the exact same time. There's a special place in my heart for someone who has lived through a demonic possession.
RE: Demon Possession

It's usually the preacher going mad. Especially in Pentecostal churches which my family denominates. But the majority of the time when that happens it's the result of some preacher or priest trying to drive it out. Demons don't like that. In fact they hate it and fight thumb and thimble to keep themselves possessing the victim. A lot of times nothing happens except for yelling and screaming. Other times demon possessed victims will actually lash out and there have been reports especially if you watched the exorcist and know about that house in Connecticut - There was a separate movie for that - The Haunting in Connecticut, where the person may become violent and even have some type of heightened or what may appear to be strange power about them where they may possibly on rare instances elevate off the ground.
Details on this can be found in the Catholic records. What may bother most is the thought of the apparent demon inside the person being in Hell at the exact same time. There's a special place in my heart for someone who has lived through a demonic possession.
Sounds crazy and why we get so many movies on it. Though you would think there be video evidence on it.
RE: Demon Possession

I never came across demons and i never want to. I've heard about demons possessing people but I've never make out time to go where they are performing miracles healing them cos my doctrine never permits that.
RE: Demon Possession

When you believe in God, you will also have to believe in devil. If you believe that Gods will help you, you must also believe that demons will possess you. Gods and the devils are two opposing forces that might affect humans time to time. However, I have never seen anyone actually being possessed by demons.
RE: Demon Possession

Though I don't believe in demons or being possessed by demon, I have seen such acts at various religious places of worship. In most places, I believe, it's scripted act to fool the believers. At other places, people usually go weird by listening constantly to certain frequency of sound produced to disturb their mind. In both cases, it is not demonic possession, but man made creation for their ulterior purpose.
RE: Demon Possession

The Bible speaks of demons, not ghosts.  However, belief in ghosts is popular in Christian nations, I think.    Anyway, the Bible takes demonic activity very seriously, so if you a fundamentalist, it would make sense to see demons everywhere.  However, this doesn't mean being mentally unhinged or something.
RE: Demon Possession

I don't even believe that demons can posses anyone. It is my personal belief since the bible agree that there is something like demonic possession.
A distant relative once explained to me about his experience about demon possession. But one day he read an article about depression and then went to see a doctor. Once he started taking medicines, the demonic possession vanished. :D a lot of demonic cases are nothing but mental disorders.
People are probably influenced by demons all the time. However, there is no need for demons to act all weird and do stuff like on the Exorcist. That only happens when it's needed. ;)