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Serving God with No Strong Church and/or Religious Family


Apr 7, 2024
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I think it's very tough. Well, people tend to do better in the right environment. For instance, people are way more likely to workout, if they're at a gym.

Do you feel like being a lone religious person is challenging idea? How would you deal with the problem?
Well, it is important to understand that life is all about choices. One can decide to stay religious even as they don't go to church. So, it is a possibility to serve God without being in a strong religious environment.
I don't think you need to be associated with any Church to serve God. Actually, you don't serve God directly, you serve the humanity, help needy people and ultimately serve God. You can do these things without going to Church.
You serve God not the church. nothing in the bible says u have to go to church to honor or believe