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  1. Z


    lol Okay.  Anyway, I have a new site (really hoping to keep it going this time).  Care to re-affiliate, 1@TopSilver[/uSER]?
  2. Z

    Last Game Played?

    RE: Last Game Played? Battlefield 2042.  Level 26 now.
  3. Z

    We are now on Invision Power Board. Long live this website and praise Cafe Discussions.

    Cool! I used IPB back n 2006, but it was quite expensive for my tastes.  Haven't used any newer versions tho...
  4. Z

    Life changing books

    RE: Life changing books Nothing comes to mind. I already tend to be patient. :)
  5. Z

    Paranormal or Hypnagogia

    RE: Paranormal or Hypnagogia I've been "spooked" out of my sleep before and sometimes have dreams so intense that I'll flail my arms and kick/thrash before waking up. I don't believe in God or the paranormal.
  6. Z

    Do you believe in reincarnation?

    RE: Do you believe in reincarnation? I meet most, if not all of those. :)
  7. Z

    Self Mastery?

    RE: Self Mastery? Depends on what it means. :)
  8. Z

    Last Movie Watched?

    RE: Last Movie Watched? Cool flick. Have you seen the rest in that series?
  9. Z

    Last Movie Watched?

    RE: Last Movie Watched? House of Secrets. Pretty good!
  10. Z

    Time Slips

    RE: Time Slips Time slip? Please elaborate. Sounds interesting!
  11. Z

    What do you think of Astral Projection?

    RE: What do you think of Astral Projection? I dig this stuff for sure. Also, remote viewing is really trippy.
  12. Z

    Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

    RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game I played it on the PC. Very cool game!! It was a bit bugged, but I liked it!
  13. Z

    PS4, Xbox, or PC ??

    RE: PS4, Xbox, or PC ?? I'm in different. But, if I had the money, I'd probably stick with Sony.
  14. Z

    Permanent Twitter Suspension of Donald Trump. For nothing?

    RE: Permanent Twitter Suspension of Donald Trump. For nothing? I don't use twitter. Every time I try, I don't seem to understand it. lol
  15. Z

    What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

    RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag? RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag? I honestly don't care. We all live together on Earth, we are all humans. I don't recognize disparate countries.
  16. Z

    all I read is True Crime and Astrophysics

    The only books I like reading are non-fiction True Crime and Astrophysics, with emphasis on Quantum Mechanics. I had tonnes of books on both subjects, but foolishly gave them away when I moved. :(
  17. Z

    PS4, Xbox, or PC ??

    RE: PS4, Xbox, or PC ?? I have about 250 games on Steam. hehe Also some on Origin, Battle.net, and Epic Games. I'm currently only playing Sims 4 and Dual Universe. I stick to PC but used to own a PS3, PS4, and an Xbox One S at various times in the past.
  18. Z

    Do you believe in reincarnation?

    RE: Do you believe in reincarnation? I firmly believe that my g/f and I have spent several lifetimes together throughout the ages.
  19. Z

    HP Laptops

    RE: HP Laptops I won't use Dell. Heard horror stories. lol I'm back on my desktop now. 100% custom. :)
  20. Z

    RTX 3000 OR AMD 6000 SERIES?

    RE: RTX 3000 OR AMD 6000 SERIES? I'm currently playing Dual Universe which runs pretty good (on low). But I'm back on my main PC so we'll see. Mechwarrior On-line worked really well. And Sims 4 runs on ultra. I have pretty decent cooling . :D