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Time Slips


Sep 11, 2021
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I was just watching one of Michael Portillo’s railway journey programmes, and noticed that Glasgow has a circular underground railway. It occurred to me, that a theory of time slips in Liverpool is something to do with the circular railway underneath the city. If that is so, why isn’t there time slips in Glasgow or come to that matter London?
RE: Time Slips

Time slip? Please elaborate. Sounds interesting!
RE: Time Slips

A time slip is explained as a plot device in fantasy and science fiction. Time slip is an event during which people, on their own or as a group, inexplicably travel through time by unknown means and for unknown reasons. This phenomenon is characterized by the clear recall of trivial events, which occurred many years earlier, and the re-experience of the events, including the feelings that were experienced, as if they were occurring in the present. The difference between a Time slip and Time travel is that a time slip is something like a paranormal event in which the person accidentally time travels whereas Time travel appears to be a more scientifically deliberate event.