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Cyberpunk 2077 an action game


Aug 26, 2021
Reaction score
Does anyone of you have played Cyberpunk? What are your remarks? I played it on Xbox, amazing quests , visuals and story.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

I played it on the PC. Very cool game!! It was a bit bugged, but I liked it!
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

The series of delays that accompanied the game made me lose interest in it completely. I can't even talk more on the bugs and glitches it came with. 
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

Spiced said:
Does anyone of you have played Cyberpunk? What are your remarks? I played it on Xbox, amazing quests , visuals and story.
You got the game during its first release or after the first release when they have done all the patches in the game to make it playable? 
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

I've played it on PC and it's nice. There are some bugs still but not game breaking as long as your computer is capable of running it. 

The only reason why I stopped is because I can't kill all of the enemies in the room I'm at. And I refuse to go to another area until I complete this specific quest.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

Cyberpunk is a good game. They were offering refunds when I was in need of money so I obtained one. I don't see anything about it that's not a fun game. It's a bit hard to play though.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game


The game still has ridiculous bugs, crowds disappearing when you turn the camera is still a plague in the game, on top of the streets being completely deserted of it's npc. What put me off from getting it that the fact that it was or not cheap, It is far cheaper now and also many people had there GPUs go POOP
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

In general, Cyberpunk 2077 is a disappointment, lots of gamers expressed their dissatisfaction around the video game, it never lived up to its hype. I regretted it when I played it's digital version late last year. 
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

Spiced said:
Does anyone of you have played Cyberpunk? What are your remarks? I played it on Xbox, amazing quests , visuals and story.
When I played it, I didn't have the best PC so that made my experience, not as good as it was meant to be,  it didn't help that it wasn't super optimised either. Despite the issues, I managed to play it a bit but after a while it just didn't run smooth enough so I had to stop but what I did play was quite interesting, fun quests, great VA and pretty cool weapons. So I thought it was okay but not great.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

When the game first came out on PC, I went through the most of it. Yes, there were some bugs, but generally, I had a great time with it. The patches seemed to help a little, but not much.
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

TopSilver said:
Cyberpunk is a good game. They were offering refunds when I was in need of money so I obtained one. I don't see anything about it that's not a fun game. It's a bit hard to play though.
It was so messed up because of the breaking bugs that made it unplayable back then, and it's why they gave refunds then. But it's all fixed now. 
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

Sincerem said:
In general, Cyberpunk 2077 is a disappointment, lots of gamers expressed their dissatisfaction around the video game, it never lived up to its hype. I regretted it when I played it's digital version late last year. 
They are fixing it up now. With their latest version of 1.5, it seems to be running very well now. 
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 an action game

Martinsx said:
They are fixing it up now. With their latest version of 1.5, it seems to be running very well now. 
Yeah, I have already acquired the game's new updated release of version 1.5. It's one of the best things they have done for the game. 