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  1. D

    Welcome me!

    Hello everyone, I am the great gamer Demon_skeith or you can call me D_S good to be here.
  2. D

    Sound Horizon

    Curious if anyone here is a fan of Sound Horizon? It's a Japanese band that sings out stories with their music. (they also go by Linked horizon that has done Attack on Titan and Bravely Default music)
  3. D

    What anime are you keen to see return?

    RE: What anime are you keen to see return? Considering that DB Super has ignored any and all of GT, I don't think we will. Though the recent DB super movie looks like it will start involving Pan more.
  4. D

    What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag?

    RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag? RE: What do you all think of certain NFL players refusing to Knee for the American Flag? There is a lot of pros and cons to it, I understand why its done, understand why those who hate on those who do it...
  5. D

    Anyone take cold showers?

    RE: Anyone take cold showers? If its really sticky/hot in my house I'll take a warm to cool shower. Otherwise I like it hot, I can see where cold can be better, sometimes I step out of a too hot shower and can feel bad.
  6. D

    Worst Fear About Growing Older?

    RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older? Besides money issues, my main one is being able to play video games. My grandma is a gamer and at 84 she can't do anything fast or quick reaction. I can only hope gaming ages along with me.
  7. D

    Modified Cars.

    RE: Modified Cars. I wouldn't want to customize my car beyond its color, I could only get it in black but whenever I get some spending money I may change its color.
  8. D

    What is your preferred email host?

    RE: What is your preferred email host? Yahoo used to be my main one, though as I need a more personal email I started to use gmail since it would be a more widely accepted email. My yahoo one has gone to junk in both service and from years of using it, so I've moved most of my day to day...
  9. D

    Adobe Animate

    RE: Adobe Animate Never used it myself, haven't heard much on it either. Sounds like something that would mainly be used in schools and or bussiness.
  10. D

    Longest drive in one trip?

    RE: Longest drive in one trip? I drove a car for nearly 2 hours, ridden in a car for nearly 6 hours on some trips. These days though my back doesn't like long rides.
  11. D

    Graphics Stolen?

    RE: Graphics Stolen? Don't do anything like that, so no thefts. But I did steal someone's theme by forgetting to put on the copyright wrapper, earned me a grphics admin for a few years :P
  12. D

    How many of you guys have a PS 5?

    RE: How many of you guys have a PS 5? Not yet, mostly since you can't buy one still due to shortages. Plus I'm sure Sony will release some new model and that one I will get.
  13. D

    I wish I was a PC gamer.

    RE: I wish I was a PC gamer. Kind of glad I never got into PC gaming, my hand would hurt from always holding a mouse. Plus who would want a huge Steam game backlog?
  14. D

    Why SSD is so important?

    RE: Why SSD is so important? Don't always plan on sticking to that, Rachet and clank on PS5 require an SSD to be played on.
  15. D

    Series X or PS5?

    RE: Series X or PS5? I have no plans for an Xbox system anytime soon, I plan on getting whatever next model of PS5 Sony brings out, whatever their pro version is.
  16. D

    Do you believe in reincarnation?

    RE: Do you believe in reincarnation? Sounds like hell to me, I have to go through school again? Please no :P Hard to say, though we will all learn the answer one day, if there is one.
  17. D

    Redmi Note 10

    RE: Redmi Note 10 I tend to get at least 4 years out of my phones, but I tend to handle them with a lot of care.
  18. D

    Does anyone remember seeing the video of John Cena apologizing to China?

    RE: Does anyone remember seeing the video of John Cena apologizing to China? First I'm hearing of this, but it sounds like a pretty lame stunt to me.
  19. D

    Anyone still play in PS2?

    RE: Anyone still play in PS2? I still have my original fat PS2 around here somewhere, with all the games. I'm pretty sure I will ever get rid of it.
  20. D

    Has anyone used Fiverr for White-Hat backlinks?

    RE: Has anyone used Fiverr for White-Hat backlinks? I never liked fiverr's services, so never used their SEO stuff. If its that easily advertised, most likely something isn't legit.