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Series X or PS5?


Jul 7, 2021
Reaction score
I've been a PS player since the beginning but on and off I did try Xbox gaming. Now I'm sort of thinking of getting a series x xbox instead of a PS5. What do you guys think?
RE: Series X or PS5?

I have a Series X. Is it better? That's completely perspective as they mostly are both the same quality. I want to say technically speaking, the Xbox Series X has better performance but that's merely technical as the specs are slightly better. Not by much though. You would have a good time with either one of them. I do however prefer Series X. I like playing Halo and could never afford both. Also think getting both is a bit awkward since I'd have to pay for the same games. Just mainly because of Halo is why I chose Xbox.
RE: Series X or PS5?

I have no plans for an Xbox system anytime soon, I plan on getting whatever next model of PS5 Sony brings out, whatever their pro version is.
RE: Series X or PS5?

I don't own a PS5 nor Xbox series X. I'm only playing the older version of PS5 which is PS4 I'm kinda enjoying but I need an upgrade cos I've been a fan of trending and quality stuffs.
RE: Series X or PS5?

I am mainly a PlayStation gamer so it was an easy decision for me to get the PS5 because for me, it is the better console and the one with the better exclusives. The controller is just great too. But when I found out flight sim was coming out for the Series X, I had to get one as well. So now I have both but the PS5 is still my main console.
RE: Series X or PS5?

I'm a PC gamer. I've owned a PS3 for a couple years tho but mainly as a streaming media device.
RE: Series X or PS5?

XBOX now! it's the best gaming console for a while now. Talking about retrospective gaming and hardware specs.
RE: Series X or PS5?

Xbox currently, always had both consoles before this generation though.
RE: Series X or PS5?

If I had the money I'd get a PS5. But I'm broke, and I'd rather tune up my new truck when possible. :D
RE: Series X or PS5?

I choose PS5 1,000 times ahead of series X console. I am simply planning to get my hands with PS5 to enjoy better game graphics.
RE: Series X or PS5?

I choose PS5 1,000 times ahead of series X console. I am simply planning to get my hands with PS5 to enjoy better game graphics.
Have you compared stats of each console?
RE: Series X or PS5?

I haven't gotten anything outside of Microsoft in awhile, as most of my games that I want to get, runs on the current X-Box. Though, I have been exploring Play Station recently for games that I already have, to see if making the move to the PS5 would be the better choice for those games. Haven't yet decided.
RE: Series X or PS5?

I haven't gotten anything outside of Microsoft in awhile, as most of my games that I want to get, runs on the current X-Box. Though, I have been exploring Play Station recently for games that I already have, to see if making the move to the PS5 would be the better choice for those games. Haven't yet decided.
Retrocompatibility is something XBox does pretty well, i'd stick with that honestly, for anything else, just use Steam or blizzard platforms :)
RE: Series X or PS5?

Have you compared stats of each console?
I never did that, but my experience with play station gaming console is incomparable to any other.
RE: Series X or PS5?

I never did that, but my experience with play station gaming console is incomparable to any other.
Cool, right on.
RE: Series X or PS5?

Well microsoft just bought zenimax which includes fallout, skyrim, dishonored, doom, and a ton of others so if you’re into those at all Xbox might be worth checking out. Sony definitely won the exclusive war though, Plus If you're trying to cross platform with PC, Then game pass are a really nice option. There's good stuff on PS5 too, I personally found more value in the XSX.

End of the day It's down to what you rather wnat and do, I look at the cost factor, meaning Games on the Xbox are  cross platform and can be played on PC  
RE: Series X or PS5?

Technically, the Xbox Series X is superior than the Xbox 360.

More processing power, VRR, rapid resumption, cloud capabilities, Dolby Vision compatibility are also available. Expansion of a solid-state drive (SSD) is simple. This generation, Xbox has nailed everything. 
They are both really amazing consoles though I have only used the series X but I wouldn't mind owning a PlayStation 5 as well.
I would go for the PlayStation 5 over the series X, I have used more of Sony table consoles than Microsoft.

The ps5 looks a lot more classy in design than the series X in my opinion.
Phabby said:
I would go for the PlayStation 5 over the series X, I have used more of Sony table consoles than Microsoft.

The ps5 looks a lot more classy in design than the series X in my opinion.
Are you picking the PlayStation 5 because it is classy in design? The Xbox X for me because it doesn't give a lot of technical issues.