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Graphics Stolen?


Apr 18, 2020
Reaction score
Have you ever had someone steal any of your graphics? If so, what did you do about it? If not, how can you prevent it?

I am an artist and I always worried about having samples of my art stolen. I need to put a watermark on my images if I plan on putting them up again on the internet.
RE: Graphics Stolen?

I have, it actually happened after I legalized my company so I contacted youtube (where the word was stolen) and gave them all of the information, the video has been removed since then :) It's not terribly hard to get content taken down in this day in age due to strict policies against theft, especially of art.
RE: Graphics Stolen?

Logo and trademark commission can have graphics taken down and trademark commission can't change anything on a site (unless it has TM next to it) but are able to file taken-downs on businesses running the same trademark. Which basically what a trademark is, is basically the title of a business so in regards to online, it would need to be an active business. But if someone used your exact same logo and you had the logo trademarked you could have it taken down if it was a business. Public domain laws protect webmasters that do not have an active business. I guess the question is when does public domain have the authority and when-not. I personally found our logo for mind piff on google images.
RE: Graphics Stolen?

I did make videos year ago, part of the college learning ;) however, the video is private on YouTube, around five of them. Since I made the video and I put it together and helped them. But it's private since I recorded with the person the video and he did not want to be to make it public on YouTube.

SO I have content private but not stolen from me or people that I do things with.
RE: Graphics Stolen?

I faced this multiple times and people just don't even have the heart to ask if they can use it or not. They're so cold when it comes to stealing graphics. I wish that Blockchain networks and internet become a thing this way the art we make even if someone uses it we'll get something from the people who use our art.
RE: Graphics Stolen?

Don't do anything like that, so no thefts. But I did steal someone's theme by forgetting to put on the copyright wrapper, earned me a grphics admin for a few years :P
RE: Graphics Stolen?

Don't do anything like that, so no thefts. But I did steal someone's theme by forgetting to put on the copyright wrapper, earned me a grphics admin for a few years :p
I just use flat icon now. That's where I got my award images and the new node icons. You just pay like $12, and then you can cancel your renewal a day after and then use the month you paid for. Then you just download their premium license for each graphic you get and upload it to your server in a folder when you put the icons up. Royalty free graphics with no attribution needed.
RE: Graphics Stolen?

Someone haven't stollen my graphics design work before. Besides it isn't all that captivating cos I use mobile app to create graphics.
RE: Graphics Stolen?

Some of my original images that I published with the articles were stolen along with the articles. When I found that my images were stolen. I contacted the individuals who stole the image and asked to remove it but sadly they did not listen. I then filed DMCA so that their web page where the stolen images were published were blocked by search engines.