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Longest drive in one trip?


Jul 14, 2021
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I just drove 5.5 hours today to go camping. What's the longest amount of time you have driven in one sitting? I drove 12 hours before with a few short breaks..If I did that again I would take more breaks along the way.
RE: Longest drive in one trip?

To be honest probably 5 1/2 hours just the same to get to where I'm currently at. Been living in a RV park just temporarily because my mom lost her job. She found a new one though and gets her first paycheck soon so we'll be moving back to a house soon.
RE: Longest drive in one trip?

I drove a car for nearly 2 hours, ridden in a car for nearly 6 hours on some trips.

These days though my back doesn't like long rides.
RE: Longest drive in one trip?

One way? Probably the longest was 9-11 hours. There has been a few times where my family would go and do traveling adventures. One being traveling from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Disney Land in Anaheim, California. The other? We were going to Yellowstone, via the Idaho Entry location, and found out that they were getting hit with an early snow storm on that entrance, and we had to find other things to do before getting to the hotel.
RE: Longest drive in one trip?

When I was living back in Australia many years ago at a very young age we used to go from Tasmania to Sydney and we drive up  In a day it can take around 13 hours from Melbourne. That's none stop. Just think about that  
RE: Longest drive in one trip?

I drove for 8 hours to visit an old friend who is living roughly 270 miles away.
RE: Longest drive in one trip?

I visit my parents who stay in the countryside and the drive is about 5 hours but I do take a break in between. 