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  1. Sincerem11

    Which CMS (Content Management System) would you recommend to a beginner?

    RE: Which CMS (Content Management System) would you recommend to a beginner? I know about Joomla, ojooo, wix, WordPress etc. If I'm recording a CMS software for a beginner like me, then I'll simply choose WordPress, it's simply the best amongst all. 
  2. Sincerem11

    Other options to Wordpress?

    RE: Other options to Wordpress? My first blog site was developed using a WordPress, it was simply a free blogging sure then. Next option for me will be to go into self hosted blog with WordPress. If I am to own a forum of my own, then I'll definitely use Xenforo software. 
  3. Sincerem11


    RE: vBulletin The vbulletin is a popular one when it comes to website creation, forum owners make use of it, business websites etc, all make use of it. I don't have much experience via vbulletin, since I own no forum, even if I own at the moment I wouldn't afford one due to its expensive price. 
  4. Sincerem11

    Free vs Paid Hosting

    RE: Free vs Paid Hosting Since not everyone have the money to purchase a domain or hosting services, the free hosting is an option to go into. Both have their merits and demerits, just as the OP described. 
  5. Sincerem11

    Free Domain Extentions

    RE: Free Domain Extentions It is very useful when someone has lots of website and his/her budget can contend the spending spree of domain extension purchase/renewal. 
  6. Sincerem11

    Getting Online for Nothing

    RE: Getting Online for Nothing That's cool tips you simply set out here, concerning free domains and hosting. But I wouldn't like to go into such kind of hassle in order to enable my site go Live. I'll definitely go for paid hosting/domain plan. 
  7. Sincerem11

    VPS and Dedicated Server

    RE: VPS and Dedicated Server VPS, which simply means virtual private server is a tool which is used by webmaster you protect their site, or app on order to stay private or anonymous while surfing the internet. I'll use the VPN when I see reasons for it, not just at the starting of my website. 
  8. Sincerem11

    Reseller Hosting

    RE: Reseller Hosting I never tried it yet, but with what you've said around reseller hosting, it has options that is more advantageous, which shows we can still rent it out and it will be like shared hosting. 
  9. Sincerem11

    5G is fixing to take over

    RE: 5G is fixing to take over 5G isn't approved yet here in my country, we are simply using 4G. And the 4G isn't as powerful as I wanted. I would love to have 5G connection on my phone, but not the one that gonna cause environmental hazard. 
  10. Sincerem11

    WWII Japan–Poland relations

    RE: WWII Japan–Poland relations It's simply the first time in my life I got how the second world war broke out. Reading how the Polish government and German government clashed in the past, shows how time runs fast, lives being destroyed in the ancient time. At the current, it's simply looking...
  11. Sincerem11


    RE: Holier-Than-Thou I am a Christian I don't dislike religion as a whole. Provided you're worshipping your creator or God, their is no problem. But it shouldn't be used to force people into what they don't like, or simply abusing other religions, because they aren't having same doctrine with you. 
  12. Sincerem11

    Green Hosting

    RE: Green Hosting That was very popular in the dark ages, I really don't see much people adopting such nowadays. Not that it isn't in existence, I still see some persons who plant trees, beautiful trees to protect their environment in case of heavy wind blow and other hazards. 
  13. Sincerem11

    Non-Traditional Domain Extentions

    RE: Non-Traditional Domain Extentions XYZ domains are becoming popular this days, I've seen some websites who is bearing the extension. But, most of them are suspicious of being scam. 
  14. Sincerem11

    Who is into digital art?

    RE: Who is into digital art? Digital arts is simply taking the spotlight nowadays. Since lots of businesses prefer going online to seek attention by marketing their products. It means they require the posters, banners, or flyers in order to showcase their business in a professional way to...
  15. Sincerem11

    Photo Editing Software

    RE: Photo Editing Software Photoshop, Canva, are great software tools for making a tremendous cool pictures/art works. First of all, we simply need to learn how the tricks works there, by mastering how to make beautiful/quality arts that will attract the interest of people. We can simply make...
  16. Sincerem11

    Pictures of Nature

    RE: Pictures of Nature I love taking pictures especially when I see strange things, or go to a different location, maybe when I visit a museum, tourist centre, zoo, beach etc. At the moment I have no pictures to show, it's been a while I went for such recreation ever since covid 19 emanated. 
  17. Sincerem11

    This Year's Super Bowl

    RE: This Year's Super Bowl I am not a big fan of super bowl sports event, I simply watch through its activities once in a blue moon, especially when I go to Cinema or simply in a viewing centre different from Cinema. 
  18. Sincerem11

    Who can draw or paint?

    RE: Who can draw or paint? I was very much passionate on drawing and also in painting during my teens. Currently now, it seems I've lost my touch, my passion for creative arts. I will do my best to resurrect it back, because, graphics design is a tremendous high paying skill digitally. 
  19. Sincerem11

    Covid Vaccine Time Bomb

    RE: Covid Vaccine Time Bomb I took just once vaccine, it wanted to take me down, which made me to suspend going for the complete vaccination. Because, it wasn't comfortable with my system, and I wouldn't bother myself to take it anymore. 
  20. Sincerem11

    Embed Youtube Videos in posts

    You've corrected it, when I posted a video recently it simply embeded faster without infringement. Now, the forum is very much comfortable and more user-friendly. 