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Free Domain Extentions

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
Some of them include .tk, .ml, .cf etc.    Would you use one?  Well, paying domain renewals could be expensive if you have a lot of websites and this is a break from that.
RE: Free Domain Extentions

It is very useful when someone has lots of website and his/her budget can contend the spending spree of domain extension purchase/renewal. 
RE: Free Domain Extentions

I think having extentions is mostly a vanity thing.  For instance, I have a .club cause I like the "cool look".  Nonetheless, nothing wrong with that, unless you're rubbing it in to people with a sub-domain or a free extension who are more into the material not the title, lol.
I have used a couple of free domain extensions like dot tk and dot ml. I used these extensions for website testing.