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Reseller Hosting

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
A reseller account is basically a VPS thing where you can rent out portions of it to others as shared hosting.  Well, once you got others on it, it becomes more like shared, ceasing to be a VPS really.    Anyway, if someone used their own reseller thing to host their own sites, it would be like a VPS to the degree it wasn't being sold.

Who has tried reseller hosting?  Have you had moderate or a lot of success?  Who has tried it as a substitute VPS?   I might be wrong but low-level reseller accounts seem cheaper than a VPS.
RE: Reseller Hosting

I never tried it yet, but with what you've said around reseller hosting, it has options that is more advantageous, which shows we can still rent it out and it will be like shared hosting. 
RE: Reseller Hosting

I tried reseller hosting, but it's massively tough.  In fact, you would need a huge startup, just like with a Patreon or anything.   Well, my best success was giving away free hosting a long time ago.  However, it went bad because I gave them too many resources and ultimately couldn't deliver.
RE: Reseller Hosting

Your better off using co-location and selling server space that you own yourself.
RE: Reseller Hosting

TopSilver said:
Your better off using co-location and selling server space that you own yourself.
What is co-location?   How does it differ from reseller hosting?  Well, I assume you'd have to physically possess the server.  Wouldn't that be massively expensive?
RE: Reseller Hosting

Well if your going to go small then your not going to do much with the economy the way it is and get a good start. Even one server you buy yourself could host more then a reseller account. Co-location is when you buy lets say one or 2 servers and then the hosting company just puts it on the rack space and takes care of it while you make the money. Sometimes it can be even cheaper then dedicated depending on who you host with.
I pay about $6 to host my 20 plus websites. I can buy reseller hosting for about $12. This is not a big amount considering my hosting budget, at least I can make money renting out the servers. However, I am yet to start reseller hosting because of lack of knowledge on this field.