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5G is fixing to take over


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Yeah it's going to get bad if we keep using this much energy. 5G is being setup by different cable/internet companies all over the world. They're setting up these towers and base stations. What are your thoughts on 5G? Do you think it could harm us in any way if the energy consumption reaches a peak? The earths data infrastructure becoming too energy dependent may have bad effects in the long run.

RE: 5G is fixing to take over

I am fine with 5G if China doesn't have anything to do with it
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

I updated the first post with a video on information for what it means for us if anyone's interested.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

Fuck 5 g and its cancer causing bullshit.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

4g is pretty good, if we had it in every area instead of investing in a faster version, it could be a better experience overall for all users. Many places in Ireland don't have a good 4g connection.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

I would love to make the switch over to 5G, if the area I live in still needed half of the towers to be upgraded to 4G. Love to be able to have the faster speeds on my phone. Plus I don't like the idea that they haven't completely figured out the needed power for the 5G towers, as there have been issues with it causing cancer, if too much power was being pumped into it.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

Nagato said:
I am fine with 5G if China doesn't have anything to do with it
Haha, do you have anything against China ? What have they done to you personally? 
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

When we are barely making use of 4G network here and they are bringing in 5G. How are we going to cope with the rate of development? Although, I wouldn't mind having the 5G as well but my data . 
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

The world is so dependent on computers and the electrical grid that electromagnetic stuff from the sun etc. as well as nuclear detonation (EMP) could spell death for civilization.   The USA and other nations simply aren't ready.  It's really scary.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

5G isn't approved yet here in my country, we are simply using 4G. And the 4G isn't as powerful as I wanted. I would love to have 5G connection on my phone, but not the one that gonna cause environmental hazard. 
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

We are exposed to radiation at all times of our life, regardless of whether we are near electronic equipment or cell towers. The amount of RF or microwave radiation we are exposed to is a relatively tiny percentage of the total amount of radiation we are exposed to.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

Its true that the next technological revolution in communication will be 5G. Meanwhile, lot of controversies have arisen allegedly involving 5G. Most prominent being the way it interferes with aircraft navigation system, which is potentially a very serious issue. I am sure like everything, this too will have teething problems and as research and development improves, we probably will have much better communication system tham 4G with better photo and video qualities.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

Surely, 5G will come to my country in the next two years. Because now every mobile is manufactured as a 5G Phone.  After using 4G, when I think about 3G connectivity, that would be impossible now. This is how it would be when 5G comes to the market. As far as radiation is concerned, it seems to be dangerous as well.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

There's not much escaping from poisoning.   I guess people just have to enjoy life and not think about it.  Anyway, you can't escape 5G without leaving the US or some other rich nation.   However, other nations also have 5G probably.
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

Sincerem said:
5G isn't approved yet here in my country, we are simply using 4G. And the 4G isn't as powerful as I wanted. I would love to have 5G connection on my phone, but not the one that gonna cause environmental hazard. 
Most people here don't even have 5G smartphone. So, making use of 5G network is going to be very challenging. 
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

Phoenix said:
We are exposed to radiation at all times of our life, regardless of whether we are near electronic equipment or cell towers. The amount of RF or microwave radiation we are exposed to is a relatively tiny percentage of the total amount of radiation we are exposed to.
I don't think that the smartphone and it's network omits the harmful kind of radiation. If so, we would all have been wiped out a long time ago. 
RE: 5G is fixing to take over

The next smartphone that I'm going to be purchasing next year will definitely be a 5G network smartphone because I don't want to be left out of the perks 5G comes with. 