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  1. Joshua Farrell

    Battle.net games

    RE: Battle.net games I don't play battle.net often, but I do have an account on it, with StarCraft Remastered. If you ever come back, would be glad to share my gamer ID for a match or two. :)
  2. Joshua Farrell

    PS4, Xbox, or PC ??

    RE: PS4, Xbox, or PC ?? Lately it has been PC, as I have been porting over games that are on the X-Box, as they become compatible with desktop computers. Love to get them all over onto it, but not all will make the cut. I will still play Xbox whenever I get the chance.
  3. Joshua Farrell

    Hate when people act big on the internet?

    RE: Hate when people act big on the internet? I generally will do my best to deal with their arguments, but there comes a time that strategically retreating is better to do, than to continue to deal with the crap. Been called a coward a few times, because I didn't want to continue in the mud...
  4. Joshua Farrell

    favorite vr game?

    RE: favorite vr game? I actually dislike using the current VR sets, as I don't like accidentally bumping into things in the room, as I forgot that I need to use the controllers to move around, and not me actually moving. :D If I had a VR Set that included a treadmill option (even...
  5. Joshua Farrell


    RE: Arcades There are atleast a few arcades within an hour driving distance where I live. Love playing them on occasion, to bring back memories of playing pong, mortal combat, and some racing games. Always fun to see what my nieces and nephews think of them, when we head out. Most of the time...
  6. Joshua Farrell

    Favorite childhood game

    RE: Favorite childhood game There was this pirate game I used to play a ton on Windows 4, back in the day of Floppy Disks. I loved playing that game so much, that I think I may have worn the disc by how frequently I would access it, and explore various islands and figuring out how to get gold.
  7. Joshua Farrell

    Favorite board/card game?

    RE: Favorite board/card game? My favorites would be the various versions of Monopoly (like Triopoly), and Settlers of Catan. Haven't played Risk in awhile, but if I had the opportunity to play that again with others, that might get back into my top 5 list.
  8. Joshua Farrell

    Do you think you would ever quit gaming?

    RE: Do you think you would ever quit gaming? I think I will still be casually playing games for years to come. Not sure when I will stop, if I do stop at all before I die. :D Though it is a funny thought that some people would think that with age, stopping playing games would be the norm, but I...
  9. Joshua Farrell

    what's your favorite 2d game ?

    RE: what's your favorite 2d game ? Starcraft and Wormax.io seems to be my current favorites as of late. Gotta admit, those worms are fun to kill in both games. :D StarCraft, because that was my first major 2d game that I played, that I kept playing regardless of updates. Wormax.io, because of...
  10. Joshua Farrell

    Console Wars

    RE: Console Wars I think it is still pretty much going on. I still see on occasion people hating on new consoles coming out, when suddenly hardware stop working for x percentage of the consoles sold. Pretty funny to watch most of the time. With me, it isn't much of a preference in consoles, but...
  11. Joshua Farrell


    RE: Batteries I tend to use rechargeable batteries a large majority of the time. I do have some spare non-rechargeable ones just incase. Also helps to have a few usb cords within reach if I prefer to not waste the batteries that cannot be recharged. The biggest issue I have had previously with...
  12. Joshua Farrell

    Will you use WoltLab?

    RE: Will you use WoltLab? Previously looked at it. I am not sure if I had ever joined up any site that had used it at one point. It does look like a promising software, but my biggest issue is that in order for me to properly use some of the addons, I would end up having to get a number of them...
  13. Joshua Farrell

    Have you heard of Word AI? Don't use it. Just wondering if you have heard of it.

    RE: Have you heard of Word AI? Don't use it. Just wondering if you have heard of it. Ah no. I have never trusted spinner software. I've always preferred to change the appearance of what I write myself, as I would rather know what I am going to get by what I know it could be changed to, rather...
  14. Joshua Farrell

    Has anyone used Fiverr for White-Hat backlinks?

    RE: Has anyone used Fiverr for White-Hat backlinks? The biggest issue I have with paying for backlink services, is the cost factor. I wish I had the money for some of the services offered there on Fiverr for back linking and some of the other services, but I don't always have the money for it...
  15. Joshua Farrell

    SEO Quake. Possible best free backlink checker/SEO browser extension

    RE: SEO Quake. Possible best free backlink checker/SEO browser extension Looks like it may be useful for a website I am planning to advertise in the future. Would love to be able to track backlinks as the site gets out there. I've always hated the slow process of Google and Bing Webmasters at...
  16. Joshua Farrell

    Whats a good cloud storage site?

    RE: Whats a good cloud storage site? I've never seen any free cloud service providers provide that much for free. I do enjoy using One Drive and Drop Box whenever I get the chance, based on what I need to share.
  17. Joshua Farrell

    Which is your main browser?

    RE: Which is your main browser? Mozilla Firefox has been my default for awhile now. My backup is Google Chrome, even though I hate the time it takes to wait for it to open. My potential backup replacement, is Brave. Noticing that that is a bit more of a stripped down version of Chrome, so I may...
  18. Joshua Farrell

    Future of Technology

    RE: Future of Technology Just remembered one thing that sounds like it would be a blast to see advanced quite a bit. Prosthetics! They have gotten to the point that the higher end arm and hand versions, can make it so that the average person can actually do most anything with them, ranging from...
  19. Joshua Farrell

    Other Advertising Techniques

    RE: Other Advertising Techniques I know Buy Sell Ads are a pretty decent service to use, but I dislike the fact that you have to apply and wait on their approval team, before you can use their direct advertising for your site service. I've used a few exchanges too, over the years. Not many of...
  20. Joshua Farrell

    How many subscription services do you have (inc not active)?

    RE: How many subscription services do you have (inc not active)? I have upwards of 7-8 different subscriptions to different things, including hosting services for a couple of sites, a few movie subscriptions, and active subscriptions to addons for XenForo. Overall, it isn't too bad money wise...