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Other Advertising Techniques


Feb 5, 2021
Reaction score
So, while I'm posting and reading around the forum I was seeing that if there were other networks that offer good payment options with a better outcome then to Adsense. I have been with Adsense for six years, however, till and as of today I only had $120 ;(

I made a post stating that what happens https://www.mindpiff.com/threads/adsense.1639/post-7276 regards what google did and taken and removed 80% or more., Any way other then AdSense or maybe you use both :P what other networks out there?
RE: Other Advertising Techniques

With adsense on a 500k+ website with just under 40k members I was making $100 /mo off of adsense. I found paid monthly ads were the way to go. I had a footer, and under the first topic showcase adsense and a third ad on the header that was paid. I'd have 4+ paid a month for $20/mo so was making as much as adsense with 2 ads for just 1 ad. The webmaster site I'm working on will have a spot for paid ads to be displayed, as well as buysellads, etc. offer services such as that to find.
RE: Other Advertising Techniques

$100/mo still isn't bad. I'd take that any day. Would be happy to make that in 4-5 months. Currently there are other publishers you can combine with adsense, such as I have done just recently. Were using 1 other called info links. Different techniques can be used such as inframe ads which are ads that scroll with you until you exit. There won't be but 1 of those on our site at any time. Possibly a 2nd in the post area tops. I still encourage webmasters to not have ads for their members logged in. You can also setup their affiliate links as I did just today when your logged out as well. They pay out to paypal and their minimum threshold is only $50.

Later on in the cycle life of Mind Piff I will probably enable the affiliate links for users logged in. If I add any ads in that case it may only be 1 below the first post. That won't come until a good bit in our life cycle and I will be sure to give an option to possibly pay something cheap like $10 one time to be ad-free forever.
RE: Other Advertising Techniques

I know there are others out there, but I don't think any pay as well as ad sense, poor as that pays.
RE: Other Advertising Techniques

I have some good performance with the links selling and also getting the sponsored content. I'd say that it can earn you pretty good amount if the link is relevant to the content. You can also make use of the sponsored guest posts which can earn minimum 100 USD or so. You just have to be pretty calculative.
RE: Other Advertising Techniques

I know Buy Sell Ads are a pretty decent service to use, but I dislike the fact that you have to apply and wait on their approval team, before you can use their direct advertising for your site service. I've used a few exchanges too, over the years. Not many of them are actively maintained anymore, so it is hard to find something that includes being able to pick through the exchange system on what you want to earn from.
Based on my experience, there is no other ad networks that is as good as adsense but if you cannot use adsnese for some reason try media.net ads or infolinks. If you have USA traffic, these ad networks pay well.