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favorite vr game?


Mar 15, 2019
Reaction score
what’s everyone’s favorite vr game? mine as of now is beat saber which I’ve been playing since I’ve gotten.. streamed it from day I got it up to now, only for a few days
RE: favorite vr game?

I hear resident evil is a good one. Though xbox one is slow on the chase unlike PS4 so will have to wait on the hololens personally. Beat saber sounds like a fun game never played it.
RE: favorite vr game?

Are there any decent non-console VR titles I should take a look at?

I got one of the Samsung Gear headsets with my Galaxy S8 phone about 18 months ago, and it's been sat in the box collecting dust..
RE: favorite vr game?

I dont own a VR set but Ive played VR Skyrim on a friends once. I though it was pretty awesome.
RE: favorite vr game?

I love Job simulator that game is my favorite

one of the local Places here has a place were we can use VR and this is one of the games I play often
RE: favorite vr game?

From the few I've played, Supershot is one of my favorites. Makes me feel like james bond.
RE: favorite vr game?

I actually dislike using the current VR sets, as I don't like accidentally bumping into things in the room, as I forgot that I need to use the controllers to move around, and not me actually moving. :D If I had a VR Set that included a treadmill option (even friction-less), I would use that and play Call of Duty, and other shooters.
RE: favorite vr game?

Beat Saber is the only VR game I know and it looks pretty cool. Can't wait to see what comes out in the future. 
RE: favorite vr game?

I have only played the Star Wars one where you cut things lol, so I guess that's the only option I have to chose from, that's my favorite right now XD
RE: favorite vr game?

Andox88 said:
I dont own a VR set but Ive played VR Skyrim on a friends once. I though it was pretty awesome.
I'm definitely going to be getting one soon, although the one that I'm trying to get is still very expensive at the cost of $299. 