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SEO Quake. Possible best free backlink checker/SEO browser extension


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score


Well all I have to say is I now have it covered what to use from now on for a free backlink checker and anything else that has to do with SEO. It even shows how many facebook likes you have. This is the best free SEO tool I've seen to date as well as probably the most useful browser extension ever. Let me know what you think when you check it out. Interesting in hearing feedback on users who may have given it a try. I'm going to sticky this thread because of how useful it is. It's available in the chrome store and also the firefox store.
RE: SEO Quake. Possible best free backlink checker/SEO browser extension

Looks like it may be useful for a website I am planning to advertise in the future. Would love to be able to track backlinks as the site gets out there. I've always hated the slow process of Google and Bing Webmasters at various times, when I needed information now, instead of after everything loads.
RE: SEO Quake. Possible best free backlink checker/SEO browser extension

I have used SEO Quake browser exrension for a long time, it is one of the best SEO browser extensions in the market. Interestingly, the SEO Quake browser extension is completely free. By using this browser extension, you will be able to check SEO metrics of sites you visit including but not limited to backlinks, alexa rank, google and bing rank, etc.