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  1. M

    Hello MindPiff

    Welcome back Weboogle!
  2. M

    my first goal for mind piff

    Hmm interesting I look forward to seeing them. Yes, please keep Mind Piff up for a long time please! :) Maybe a little off-topic but have you thought about member registration goals? I'm liking the theme as well! Any features that you could share?
  3. M

    What's wrong with Biden?

    RE: What's wrong with Biden? From what I've seen he has done a poor job. His response to COVID, his belittling of people, etc. But however, that's my opinion.
  4. M

    Graphics tablet?

    RE: Graphics tablet? I use one, got it a few months ago. It is pretty useful, plan on using it for my game development!
  5. M

    What's wrong with Biden?

    RE: What's wrong with Biden? He's probably much better than that lunatic currently in office..
  6. M

    my first goal for mind piff

    Do you have any plans once we reach your goal?
  7. M

    Do you have any pets?

    RE: Do you have any pets? I have a cat named Luna, shes a tuxedo cat.
  8. M

    Alarm clocks

    RE: Alarm clocks Recently had to change my alarms to 5AM so I can make my carpool into work.
  9. M

    What consoles you guys own ? :D

    RE: What consoles you guys own ? :D I currently own a PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch!
  10. M

    Thomasss here!

    Howdy, 1@Thomasss[/uSER] welcome to Mind Piff! :) How are you?
  11. M


    RE: Python? I know a small bit of Python now! Not really, Python from what I hear is the best language to learn before moving onto things like C++ etc.
  12. M

    Mind Piff has now Partnered with CodeForum.org

    *Cough* Reboot *Cough*
  13. M

    Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

    RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use! http://[/url]https://ide.codeforum.org
  14. M

    Who here likes Billie Eilish?

    RE: Who here likes Billie Eilish? Her music is odd, but has a catchy beat to it. I like it! :)
  15. M

    PS5 or Xbox Series X?

    RE: PS5 or Xbox Series X? Neither just yet, I have to put my Xbox One to use some more before I can feel good about getting a new one.
  16. M

    Who do you think is the United States top 2 enemies?

    RE: Who do you think is the United States top 2 enemies? Good for you.
  17. M

    Who do you think is the United States top 2 enemies?

    RE: Who do you think is the United States top 2 enemies? I did say top 2. I stated Russia has been pretty dormant, that's why I never included it.
  18. M

    Who do you think is the United States top 2 enemies?

    RE: Who do you think is the United States top 2 enemies? I would personally say North Korea and China, Russia has been pretty dormant lately.
  19. M

    How does News9 look like in HTML?

    RE: How does News9 look like in HTML? I wouldn't recommend a VPS for him just yet. I'd recommend getting a shared hosting plan and work his way up to a VPS. Kind of a similar approach I am taking with Code Forum.
  20. M

    Mind Piff is Back

    RE: Mind Piff is Back Do you believe they found a cure?