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What's wrong with Biden?


Apr 18, 2020
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News clips on Fox show that Biden has a problem with communication and having had a family member with dementia it seems he's suffering from the same fate. Except the media, besides Fox, doesn't address this. Is there something seriously wrong with Biden? If so, what happens if he gets elected and tries to run the country without the proper capacity to communicate or understand issues? Dementia is serious stuff and it can go downhill so quickly :(
RE: What's wrong with Biden?

He does sort of pause quite a bit 1@Lämmchen[/uSER] when he talks. I'm more worried about his mental health that he may not be able to handle being in office a 2nd time. I don't think he will develop Dementia though. That may be possible but seems unlikely.
RE: What's wrong with Biden?

He does sort of pause quite a bit 1@Lämmchen[/uSER] when he talks. I'm more worried about his mental health that he may not be able to handle being in office a 2nd time. I don't think he will develop Dementia though. That may be possible but seems unlikely.
He's probably much better than that lunatic currently in office..
RE: What's wrong with Biden?

Trump may not be a good candidate for the job. As for better, he probably is though I'm Republican. Still though 1@Malcolm[/uSER] we should keep in mind his mental state as he was in office for 8 years already. That's a hard job to have.
RE: What's wrong with Biden?

Trump may not be a good candidate for the job. As for better' date=' he probably is though I'm Republican. Still though 1@Malcolm[/uSER'] we should keep in mind his mental state as he was in office for 8 years already. That's a hard job to have.
From what I've seen he has done a poor job. His response to COVID, his belittling of people, etc. But however, that's my opinion.
RE: What's wrong with Biden?

His response to COVID-19 has been poorer than I expected I will agree with you there. Whoever wins the election it will be for the best. Trump needs to get better at keeping people calm.
RE: What's wrong with Biden?

Economy has grown in the US for the past years and he thought this woudn't have massive consequences.

Anyway i think changes in the country should do good, not everything is about money.
RE: What's wrong with Biden?

The Democrats loyalty to environmentalism is driving up gas prices in the US - because it hurts US energy independence.   This policy is fine for the rich and some of the middle class maybe, but it hits the poor and others hard.  I don't think Biden and the Democrats have a future in the rest of the decade.
RE: What's wrong with Biden?

President Joe Biden is healthy enough for his age and was given fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency, by his doctors after he underwent a routine physical exam and colonoscopy just a day before his 79th birthday. Biden is suffering from a perceptibly stiffer gait following a series of injuries and experiences frequent need to clear his throat or cough during public engagements, according to his physician. Republicans including former President Donald Trump have frequently criticized Biden about his mental competence. But this seems to be a conspiracy going around in social media to undermine the president.