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Mind Piff has now Partnered with CodeForum.org


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Hey guys, I wanted to mention a new partnership I have now embarked on just recently with 1@Malcolm[/uSER] a friend of mine and valued Mind Piff contributor. He has a site for all your coding needs and questions. If you need help you can simply ask a question and you may get a response regarding an answer to your question. He has all the core coding languages including web development so any little thing you may need help with such as HTML or CSS can be answered. It's a new site and has some work before it gets to be bigger but nonetheless it's worth signing up and sharing your ideas/topics/questions with the community.

I hope all Mind Piff members will take the time to view his site and sign up if you have a moment. He could use the support and besides his theme and core UI is beautiful to say the least. It's actually what attracted myself to join in the first place. Thank you everyone.





Hey guys' date=' I wanted to mention a new partnership I have now embarked on just recently with 1@Malcolm[/uSER'] a friend of mine and valued Mind Piff contributor. He has a site for all your coding needs and questions. If you need help you can simply ask a question and you may get a response regarding an answer to your question. He has all the core coding languages including web development so any little thing you may need help with such as HTML or CSS can be answered. It's a new site and has some work before it gets to be bigger but nonetheless it's worth signing up and sharing your ideas/topics/questions with the community.
I hope all Mind Piff members will take the time to view his site and sign up if you have a moment. He could use the support and besides his theme and core UI is beautiful to say the least. It's actually what attracted myself to join in the first place. Thank you everyone.




Thank you 1@TopSilver[/uSER], I appreciate the lovely comments! I look forward to wonderful partnership with MindPiff for years to come! We both will grow to be very successful, and work together in getting past our future problems :) 
