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Graphics tablet?

Sir Twisted

Apr 18, 2020
Reaction score
I was wondering if anyone out there uses Graphics tablets? I got one a while back, but I've never really used it. Gave my GF a shot and she created this awesome Billie Eilish piece.

RE: Graphics tablet?

I've never used a graphics tablet but I do here they are growing in popularity. Wow this image is amazing though. Definitely a sexy take on Billie Ellish. I can't say I like her music that much but she's not bad looking at all. This creation is indeed not half that bad. Can you name a graphics tablet brand? Haven't seen many of them advertised.
RE: Graphics tablet?

I've never used a graphics tablet but I do here they are growing in popularity. Wow this image is amazing though. Definitely a sexy take on Billie Ellish. I can't say I like her music that much but she's not bad looking at all. This creation is indeed not half that bad. Can you name a graphics tablet brand? Haven't seen many of them advertised.
I'm sure the one she uses is from the company wacom.
RE: Graphics tablet?

I tried once to get it to play OSU!, but does really helps you to illustrate? Is it worthy to get it alone (without any complementary software)?
RE: Graphics tablet?

I use one, got it a few months ago. It is pretty useful, plan on using it for my game development!
RE: Graphics tablet?

I think the same. Graphics department has never been my stuff but i'll give it a shot with this some time in the future :P
RE: Graphics tablet?

I use tablet to play osu and solving math exercises , but i cant illustrate :coffee:
RE: Graphics tablet?

Damn I shouldn't have underestimated these tablets, this is like dope as heck I guess it's really upto your skill on how you use it.