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my first goal for mind piff

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Hey guys we are nearing 4,000 posts! Keep up the good work helping us grow. Invite your friends. Don't be afraid to start referring users. Have them put in your username in the referral box or use the official referral link so you get credit for it and lets get this thing going.

I will be looking for another moderator soon and anything you do to help out goes a long ways. I appreciate your support. Don't forget that once we get to 1,000 threads and 5,000 posts or over I will award users with a special badge that were apart of the site before that.

I've already decided the badge will be named "Founding Member" and will basically say you helped found mind piff.
Hey guys we are nearing 4,000 posts! Keep up the good work helping us grow. Invite your friends. Don't be afraid to start referring users. Have them put in your username in the referral box or use the official referral link so you get credit for it and lets get this thing going.
I will be looking for another moderator soon and anything you do to help out goes a long ways. I appreciate your support. Don't forget that once we get to 1,000 threads and 5,000 posts or over I will award users with a special badge that were apart of the site before that.

I've already decided the badge will be named "Founding Member" and will basically say you helped found mind piff.
Do you have any plans once we reach your goal?
Do you have any plans once we reach your goal?
Other then give out the award? Yes well the next goal will be probably 2,000 threads and 15,000 posts as I'm sure things will start to pick up a bit more at that point. We'll will be much closer to 10,000 posts by the time we reach 1,000 threads it's starting to look like. I plan to keep things going on the site for a long time now that I put it back up. I can't award multiple users at once so I'll have a request thread for the award that will be a sticky.

I'm liking this theme we have a lot. I plan to add many new features and upgrades to it once we start getting bigger. I just setup scotch box for development and plan to make a few more add-ons.
Other then give out the award? Yes well the next goal will be probably 2,000 threads and 15,000 posts as I'm sure things will start to pick up a bit more at that point. We'll will be much closer to 10,000 posts by the time we reach 1,000 threads it's starting to look like. I plan to keep things going on the site for a long time now that I put it back up. I can't award multiple users at once so I'll have a request thread for the award that will be a sticky.
Hmm interesting I look forward to seeing them. Yes, please keep Mind Piff up for a long time please! :)
Maybe a little off-topic but have you thought about member registration goals?

I'm liking this theme we have a lot. I plan to add many new features and upgrades to it once we start getting bigger. I just setup scotch box for development and plan to make a few more add-ons.
I'm liking the theme as well! Any features that you could share?
Member registration goals will be sought after once we start getting more traffic. We've seen well over 10K visits this month so I'm excited to see where this takes us. I want us to get more content first and then focus on registration goals.

For features I haven't decided on any I'm willing to share quite yet. I will keep you posted however.
Hey guys, were getting closer to our goal. Keep it up!

After we hit it we'll set a new goal to 2K threads and 15,000 posts :D
I appreciate you guys being with us for a long time. Our goal is to have lots of people having a blast here!
First goal has been met. New sticky announcement for next goal has been added. Closing this thread now. Thank you everyone who has participated.
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