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Recent content by FantasyFreek

  1. FantasyFreek

    JoyFreak here!

    Another Freak welcome <3
  2. FantasyFreek

    Music Video for Mama by Clean Bandit ft. Ellie Goulding is POWERFUL

    Clean Bandit has been climbing charts across the world, and this song is no exception. The video is fantastic telling a political story in quite a personal way, I recommend that you all listen and watch. https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Ao3XJ-UDdzI?feature=oembed
  3. FantasyFreek

    Do you drink tea or coffee?

    RE: Do you drink tea or coffee? British guy yikkkes Irish people are NOT British, biggest offense ever
  4. FantasyFreek

    Are We Real?

    RE: Are We Real? What if videos like these are simply just really well told stories, and we are being sold a story that will lead us down multiple videos, thus garnering a plethora of clicks for the creator :)
  5. FantasyFreek

    war on drugs

    RE: war on drugs Drugs are always going to be a social problem, but I'm never going to fall to their addictive nature as they are fundamentally toxic when abused.
  6. FantasyFreek

    Ring of Elysium

    RE: Ring of Elysium I've never tried it, but I've seen gameplay and definitely looks like a strong competitor in the BR genre.
  7. FantasyFreek

    Hello! I'm Newbdle!

    Welcome, lovely to meet you
  8. FantasyFreek


    HAHA this thread as some of the best I've seen haha
  9. FantasyFreek

    What could be lying in the Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the Ocean?

    RE: What could be lying in the Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the Ocean? Pot of Gold? :p
  10. FantasyFreek

    Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

    RE: Anyone watch Game of Thrones? I seem to be just about the only person that has never seen it ever.
  11. FantasyFreek

    Anyone use Reddit?

    RE: Anyone use Reddit? Never used it before in my life.
  12. FantasyFreek


    RE: Chill/rap I love Clean Bandit, their music is incomparable to any other artist, sheer talent and magic is their music.
  13. FantasyFreek

    Apex Legends

    RE: Apex Legends The game looks highly polished I must give it a try someday!
  14. FantasyFreek

    What's the most disappointing game you've played?

    RE: What's the most disappointing game you've played? Pokemon Let's Go - Game is extremely easy, almost as if the game was dumbed down for a wider audience than gamers per say.
  15. FantasyFreek

    What kind of stuff do you guys watch on YouTube?

    RE: What kind of stuff do you guys watch on YouTube? Shane Dawson is hands down one of the best Youtube Stars, as he continuously tends to create new content, that is vastly different from its predecessors.