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JoyFreak here!


Mar 23, 2019

So here is a little about me.. I run my own gaming discussion board. I ran into this by word of mouth and liked the look and feel of it so decided to register and be part of it. I am currently in my final year studying at university. I have interests in gaming, computing and developing. If you would like to know more please feel free to ask!

Many thanks!
Welcome to MindPiff 1@JoyFreak[/uSER] glad you have signed up :D

I look forward to getting to know you better in the future. I'm excited to see what the future holds for both our sites. By the way from experience your genre is more-so attentive from Google than most any other genre out there. Gaming tends to be the main thing that Google has an eye for. I've learned this from past ventures. They really like gaming sites.

I hope you are active here. I will post on your site as much as you are active here as well. Regardless I look forward to be-friending you more through my discord server and also discord in general. I'm glad you signed up ~TopSilver
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. You have done a great job here, the site looks excellent. Love the light theme and the logo, good job! I will continue to use your site and be part of this great community and will try to use discord as much as possible and engage in the community over there too. Be good to be long-term friends and see how far we get.
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. You have done a great job here, the site looks excellent. Love the light theme and the logo, good job! I will continue to use your site and be part of this great community and will try to use discord as much as possible and engage in the community over there too. Be good to be long-term friends and see how far we get.
Sounds good. We also have a dark theme if you like those better :D I am excited to start this journey. I also am into swapping links if you'd like to take it as far as to trade links in the footer. However that's completely up to you. I'm fine with just being apart of the Joyfreak community and vice versa.
Sounds good. We also have a dark theme if you like those better :D I am excited to start this journey. I also am into swapping links if you'd like to take it as far as to trade links in the footer. However that's completely up to you. I'm fine with just being apart of the Joyfreak community and vice versa.
Ooooh, I will check that out. Thank you for informing me. I like both, dark and light. They usually have to be at a right contrast for me to like it. LIke right now, your light theme is perfect. It is not too light or bright for my eyes, so good job on that balance! As for link exchange, it is not something we do at the moment but I have considered it and we have a lot of interests so I will be introducing something like this in the near future. We do have a Showcase section on the forums where you are welcome to create an advertisement thread for your forums. It was mainly aimed at Gaming sites but as you can probably see now that anybody has been posting anything, haha, so we are going with it.
Welcome JoyFreak!

I love your avatar! looks so cool! it's nice to see that you like MP! Your forum also looks great, hope to see you around a lot!
Welcome JoyFreak!
I love your avatar! looks so cool! it's nice to see that you like MP! Your forum also looks great, hope to see you around a lot!
Hey thank you so much for your kind words. Feel free to sign up and engage :D The more the merrier!
So here is a little about me.. I run my own gaming discussion board. I ran into this by word of mouth and liked the look and feel of it so decided to register and be part of it. I am currently in my final year studying at university. I have interests in gaming, computing and developing. If you would like to know more please feel free to ask!

Many thanks!
HEYO welcome to the server, i look forward to talking to you! :)
Hey! Welcome to Mind Piff!

Glad you could join, perhaps when I get more time I’ll sign up for your site :)

May I ask what you’re taking in school and what languages you know?