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war on drugs

RE: war on drugs

Probably not. It's likely a lot of people would die. Drugs are illegal for a reason. However as pot is now legal in several states I do honestly believe they should go ahead and legalize it in all states. Main reason being is it's impossible to die from it unless it's laced and the majority of people that get their pot laced are not buying it from head/smoke shops where it's perfectly safe.

There are no physical addictions to it, though there are quite a bit of mental addictions because of the state of mind it puts you in. A lot of people get that feeling and can't let go of it. Basically hooked on the happy mind state.
RE: war on drugs

RE: war on drugs

Drugs are always going to be a social problem, but I'm never going to fall to their addictive nature as they are fundamentally toxic when abused.
RE: war on drugs

Alcohol is a drug too.

When legalised, most dealers will fall apart and might give jobs to people.. but how do you control people's dosis? Only with education and more deep prevention schemes other than just limit the amount of drugs one could buy..
RE: war on drugs

Alcohol is a drug too.When legalised, most dealers will fall apart and might give jobs to people.. but how do you control people's dosis? Only with education and more deep prevention schemes other than just limit the amount of drugs one could buy..
Drug usage is not only physical addiction for certain drugs but the biggest problem the government would face is the 1st stage of overcoming the mental addiction. If it was never illegal chances are barely anyone would do it. However since the issue is already there, most people would fall into that mental addiction hold for at least 5-10 years before anyone could get out of the slump. Thousands would die from heroine/cocaine/meth overdoses. As far as alcohol goes, the prominent and rich/government are into it so it gets taken into a lighter category. All of the prominent people tend to support alcohol, where your regular junky smokes pot and gets arrested for it. It's a screwed up system. If you can't die from it, legalize it. That's what I say, and alcohol is even worse than pot because you can die from alcohol.
RE: war on drugs

Depression is also a big issue everywhere and if you can go somewhere to buy hard stuff like cocaine/heroine you can easily just commit suicide without further ado..

This is far more complex honestly.. legalizing would help to destroy kingpin's empires but what do you do with the junkies?
RE: war on drugs

Depression is also a big issue everywhere and if you can go somewhere to buy hard stuff like cocaine/heroine you can easily just commit suicide without further ado..This is far more complex honestly.. legalizing would help to destroy kingpin's empires but what do you do with the junkies?
Have you seen joe rogan and johann hari talk about it. trust me you'll enjoy it. it first interested me.
RE: war on drugs

Legalizing drugs is fine - but society should never condone them. It's sort of the same situation as with tobacco. Anyway, I haven't seen pot as a positive good - as Hollywood is promoting.

O.K. alcohol is fine in moderation - but we cannot deny the damage.