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Are We Real?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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This video really made me think. Are we real? Do we even exist or are we pretty much a perception of a greater expanse of time space. This theory seems to say that we are smaller then what is out there beyond what we can see. It comes to my attention that possibly this could be true. The theory of relativity basically says the universe is always constantly expanding into the vacuum of space as light travels the same speed no matter where it travels. What interest me is this. Steven Hawking had predicted we were in some type of perception projection. Where the entire universe was merely made of information and was a simple projection of our minds. It interest me whether this could be true. He later retracted his prediction as he faced much scrutiny from the scientific community.

What if the only thing real was memory. I imagine a circle, "the eternity circle" where memory is infinite and cannot be escaped. Memory inside us, inescapable by our perception of time. Time being an illusion of memory. We could be worms among giants in outer space. As in we cannot be found because we are as insignificant as an insect. No one wants to speak with us because we are just unimportant or can't be located. Now image this and imagine the further away you travel the bigger and greater your size becomes. If you travel 2 gambits into space your size would be much much bigger.

It comes to my new theory that from the birth perception you are too small and from the perception of traveling further away you become much much easier to find and much much bigger. Almost as if a pair of eyes were at the peak of the spectrum. Our own from the root of our existence.

In other words what's out there is infinitely greater in size. It was predicted by einstein that the universe is constantly expanding. What if we expand with it as we travel into space? Who's to say that a human body isn't just as much apart of time space as craters or planets. Everything is expanding. Including us. But the expansion in my own theory would be perspective based. My own personal idea is perspective based is more ideal then perception based. Steven Hawking may have been onto something but in my idea it's the possible perspective from within.

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RE: Are We Real?

There is a whole theory about this. I dont remember the name off the top of my head and personally im too lazy today to look anything up. But pretty much what this theory is, is that we are actually living in a computer simulation and nothing we do is real. Theorize a giant Dyson sphere sized super computer. This would be more than enough to simulate a few galaxies, what if we arnt meant to reach the other ones so they arnt actually there, the simulation just makes it look as if there are other galaxy's out there. Maybe we are all AI and the simulation is just that good and we learn and evolve over hundreds of years. But if we are living in a simulation and we arnt actually real why does that matter? We love, we hate, we mate, and we fight. It all feels so extremely to what we know is real so why should it matter right? Sure we have hundreds of years of science but if you look at it in its most simplistic form, its just a ton of stuff that we made up because our curious minds are always and have always been searching for answers. So what do we do? We make up different gods and different religions for those gods. Theres no proof, believe what you want but there is no proof of a god of any kind. We as the humans we are created images and ideas for questions that we dont have an answer to or never will. We can observe how "stuff" works and come up with our own names for that "stuff". The most mind boggling thing about this theory is that once again, there is no way to prove that we live in a simulation, there is no way to prove that we dont live in a simulation. All we know is that we are here.
RE: Are We Real?

What if videos like these are simply just really well told stories, and we are being sold a story that will lead us down multiple videos, thus garnering a plethora of clicks for the creator :)
RE: Are We Real?

What if videos like these are simply just really well told stories, and we are being sold a story that will lead us down multiple videos, thus garnering a plethora of clicks for the creator :)
I was mainly pondering what pronoun scientists have already proven. Albert Einstein and quantum mechanics already have pondered this idea that we are living in a projection yet that in particular is still not proven. To be honest I think it's a combination of both projection and reality. In my opinion we won't know until we study dark matter better (one part of space no one yet understands).