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Hey you should join the mind piff discord server on the homepage. There's quite a few people from FP on it too. I also think I could get you an invite to the forum promotion server as well if you are interested.
Also I signed up on your site. I saw the thread a bit ago and decided to sign up. I will make some posts later on for sure
I like your new signature looks good. I had locked the landing page thread though. No harm no foul. Were better off with the forums on the main page it's a fact
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I may be buying that award add-on tomorrow for automatically awarding people based on trophies and andox should be doing the new awards on sunday
Nice update. Awards and stuff like that makes feel people important to the community!
I'm excited to see what becomes of both our sites. With close to 80 clicks from google this month (almost tripling from before) and seeing 150 visits average now I have the potential to really see this happen and that means helping you whenever I can. I am excited to work with you. We'll discuss more on discord
hey I mainly wanted the landing page because I like to put announcement neatly where people can see it and the discord server. It's really appealing to me to have extra widgets too. Plus google likes it when you display your content for people to be able to see. The first thing someone does when they come to a site is look at what's on the page. It attracts users to look further into what were about. But you are doing a fantastic job as moderator and I want to applaud you. #LongLiveMindPiff
Just thought, I can probably send you a copy of the thread counter add-on since it was free anyway.. (y)

I'll check my downloads folder later, pretty sure I'll still have the zip.
Yeah that might be an idea possibly. Does it work on 2.1 is the question? I mean bugless. Because possibly it may be not appear to have any bugs but still not compatible. Anyways I would love to swap links with you if you want to be featured in the footer where partners is. Let me know
I'm running it on 2.1.1 amongst almost 80 add-ons, seems fine. No server errors reported. Swapping links sounds good, we can discuss on Discord later.
sounds good to me. I have like at least 10 servers each with over 100 people I can invite you to. You can make some friends. It's a chain reaction. That's how all forums start out. That chain reaction
Hey welcome back buddy! As you can see we've done really well at were past 2,000 posts now :D Glad to have you back
Hey feel free to join the Mind Piff discord server via the invite link on the homepage. We would love to have you! Were around 100 members now :D
Hey buddy! Feel free to add me on discord B-rad#8952

I look forward to speaking with you more. Thanks for signing up!
Hey Welcome to the site. Add me on discord B-rad#8952 I want to help you out. It's really Brad from xenforo.com
I signed up on your site. I think it requires confirmation by you. I didn't have permission to post yet but if your interested in trading posts/members we can speak on discord about it
Hah nevermind I had to confirm my email. Just did it :D
Hi Brad, thanks for the welcome. Sorry for the late reply - as mentioned I was headed out for the morning, but I'm back and about to make a couple of posts.. (y)