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I can't see what i'm writing here while using the dark theme [mention=1]TopSilver[/mention]

Also when i tryr to add URLs from here.
Okay I see now. I was testing via your profile, not the status bar. I'll fix it soon or have @Seneca fix it
Okay! :D i was about to point that before but somehow it slipped.
Keep up the good work [mention=62]Laifot[/mention] any future moderators should look up to you as an example
Thank You Brad! I'm glad you like my work! Besides taking it seriously, it's fun!
Hey this is B-rad from discord. Welcome to Mind Piff! Be sure to post an intro in introduce yourself if you have time
Hey feel free to join the Mind Piff discord on the homepage. Were at around 100 users now. Would love to have you join if you want to.
sounds good. I just wanted to let you know your welcome to join any time. Also if you want to add me first mine is B-rad#8952
No worries! Sure, I'll shoot you a friend request this afternoon after work.
Sounds good. By the way, out of curiosity did you find us from Google? I am interested if you did. We've recently doubled in traffic and it's definitely increasing much more now that we've got some good posts on the site :)
I can't believe you didn't have poster tier 2 yet. I must not have been paying attention. Tier 3 is 250 posts so you'll have that soon too
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Don't worry lol! thanks for noticing it. I didn't.
I reached 250 lol!!!
congrats on poster tier 3! Your posts are so well thought out and genuine by the way. I respect that a lot
Hey awards have been updated. Also I saw your post in Ashes thread on FP. Pretty soon I may offer the same thing for Ash as well. Waiting on more content in your forum and I will be posting my ass off. I'm the type to stick around and get many posts in the long run. Going to keep checking back :D
Hey I plan to purchase some nice circular awards I found from flat icon soon and add those but enjoy the new award for reaching 60 posts :p
Welcome to Mind Piff! Be sure to post an introduction in the introduce yourself section when you have a moment :D
Hey browse flat icon and see if you see any awards you like. I'm fixing to buy a month soon and going to get some awards for the site. They have circular like I like but much more professional.
Would have posted in your car thread but never owned a car here :P
Been sick over half my life which is the only reason but it's a good thread that will probably get attention the longer it's been posted
Hey WB, excited to see Gamers101 come back online :D
Hey bro, not yet, he still have some work and optimizing to do. But it will be good to go online soon enough :D
Keep up the good work Malcom! Your going to be our next VIP. I'm excited to add you soon. You are close :D