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sorry for the delay in the award. I plan on moving to automated awards and trophies in a month or 2.
There's an add-on I plan to get that actually awards most awards automatically and has an importer for the awards we have so far. Will also update the trophies more around that time period. Just sit tight ;) And great work
Congrats on reaching 1K messages
Thank you [mention=18]Users Name[/mention]. Also congrats to you on going past 100. I'm excited to watch the site grow. When we start seeing members sign up at random is when we know we've succeeded.
Love the forums!
I'm happy you like it and thank you for getting closer to my post count on forum authority. I will definitely start posting more.
I had to delete your video because the audio was playing on the homepage. Crazy vid though
Hi! Hope you are having a good time here at mindpiff! Welcome! :D
Same here. I'm always interested in the royal family. English people really interest me. But being serious I actually have interest in King George. Can't wait to speak to you more.
Where you from? America?
God save the Queen!
I just hope Charles abdicates in favour of William.. Nothing against him but he's too old fashioned for the modern era we currently live in and well, who'd want Camilla has Queen? there was outcry when she wanted the princess title.

I can actually say, i've spent alot of time googling the royal family history whilst in quaratine.. it is like you said, rather interesting!

I suggest you give The Royals a watch, very good tv show! - not about the real royals but lovely.
Yes I'm American and that's really interesting. Thanks for the share. Wonder when they are going to pass down their crown.
Good job getting rid of spam. While the spam add-on I have blocks most of them occasionally they will make it through anyway. Thanks
if you have any questions on how to use it let me know. It's basically under moderator tools called "spam" on their profile page. You just need to un-tick "check spammers ips" and it cleans the spam and bans them permanently.
Oh, i will do that the next time i see one! thanks!
I plan on getting another award modification over the summer that automatically gives out the awards too
keep up the good work. I will promote you to super mod soon. I want to find a second regular moderator first
Hope all is ok, I haven't seen you around for a while!
Odd I was not notified of your profile post comment via alerts. I have now seen it. I plan to get active on your site a lot soon just might be slower for around 2 months or so. Right around my birthday near August 16th I plan to speed things up a lot. I haven't really been active anywhere for close to 3-4 weeks. Right now since I'm getting better I wanted to take a small break. Though I will say all posts will be returned I just want to take a break until around my birthday in August. Feel free to take a break from mind piff too if you want just until I get back in action on nerd face though I plan to post a lot after this little break