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  1. R

    Favorite Pokemon?

    I'm sure that we have Pokemon lovers here. What's your favorite Pokemon? Arceus is my favourite.
  2. R

    Do you buy games every year?

    Video games are released every year. This brings to the market so many games that it's going to be impossible for a gamer to buy all of them. I try as much as I can to buy at least 3-5 games every year if the games are good.
  3. R

    How many games do you play at once?

    Are the kind of gamer that plays a lot of games at the same time or the kind of gamer who plays one game at a time? I play at least 3-4 games simultaneously because I don't care about completing them but having fun.
  4. R

    YouTube or Twitch for game's streaming?

    If you're looking at choosing the best streaming platform for video games, which one do you think is best between YouTube and Twitch? In my opinion, I believe Twitch to be the best because it's mainly for video games streaming unlike YouTube that cover more areas.
  5. R

    Do you watch Playthrough?

    Games playthrough is another gamers play of any particular game uploaded to any streaming platform like YouTube or Twitch. I watch Playthrough once in a while especially if I want to know more about the game before buying it to play.
  6. R

    What kind of player do you hate as a Co-op player?

    Co-op games are games where you play with a team player to achieve your team goals. When you are down to choose the kind of team player you want to play with, what kind of player do you hate to have in such games?
  7. R

    Are you a completionist?

    Completionist are the kind of gamers that would go to any extent just to make sure that they complete the games they are playing. Are you that kind of gamer? What made you decide to play that way?
  8. R

    How long do you cool off before starting a new game?

    When you have just completed a game, do you start playing a new one immediately or do you take some time off to cool down before starting a new game? It depends on the next game that I'm going to start playing. If it's something I can't wait, I'll be starting it immediately.
  9. R

    Have you quitted playing any game?

    Quitting games is something that most gamers don't want to do. It makes no sense to purchase a game, only to end up quitting it a long the way. But there are circumstances that might make a gamer to quit a game.
  10. R

    What's the most difficult game you played?

    Playing Soul's games taught me a lot about dealing with punishing and difficult to beat games. They are games where you would die countless times and rage quit. I had that experience playing Dark Souls 3.
  11. R

    How old to start playing games?

    Do you think that age should be a factor when deciding on allowing someone to play video games or not? What age would you consider to be the right age for someone to start playing video games?
  12. R

    Best games for partners to play?

    I'm looking games that I can play together with my partner and enjoy it so much. Someone recommended Overcooked but I'm not sure if it's a good one. I'm looking for another good recommendations.
  13. R

    Ads in free games

    Having ads in free to play video games is something that's very common. You can't have them without ads because it's a way they make money too. Would you pay for ads to be removed from your free to play games?
  14. R

    Favorite video games adaptations?

    Video games adaptations are those games that are developed from movies. The Last Of Us is a very good example of such games. Do you have any video games adaptations that you would consider as your favourite?
  15. R

    Playing games with no audio?

    I have seen some gamers who play their games with no sound or audio. It's not something that I can do because it's going to make the game boring. The games sounds adds to the game's beauty and appreciation.
  16. R

    Cheating in games?

    Have you ever cheated in any games in order to help yourself win or beat the game? Some gamers are so much into using cheat codes to do this.
  17. R

    Which games are you addicted to?

    Gaming addiction is very common among gamers today. There are some games that you find it very difficult to stop playing no matter how much you have played it. Are you addicted to playing any games?
  18. R

    When do you play your games?

    I'm always very busy most times during the day. It's why I find it very difficult to play games during the day. It's when I'm done with most of what I have to do then I can start playing games. Most of the time, I usually play at night from at least 20:00 GMT.
  19. R

    Difficulty playing with mouse and keyboard

    I have a gaming PC but it's always an uphill battle for me when playing on it. I find it very difficult to play using mouse and keyboard for my PC games. I had to buy a PC controller just to get by with PC games.
  20. R

    Wired or Wireless Controllers?

    Do you still make use of wired gaming controllers or have you moved to the wireless one's? I changed to using wireless controllers the moment they came out. I was already bored to death with the wired controllers. ??????