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Wired or Wireless Controllers?


Aug 23, 2022
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Do you still make use of wired gaming controllers or have you moved to the wireless one's? I changed to using wireless controllers the moment they came out. I was already bored to death with the wired controllers.

RE: Wired or Wireless Controllers?

Wired controller for me especially when the game that I am playing is football. Gamers can do a lot of tricks when they play football with a wireless controller.
RE: Wired or Wireless Controllers?

Wired controller for me especially when the game that I am playing is football. Gamers can do a lot of tricks when they play football with a wireless controller.
Now I'm confused at what you're trying to say. How does using a wired controller prevent gamers from tricking you when playing soccer?
RE: Wired or Wireless Controllers?

Playing video games with wireless controllers is always the best because it gives you the liberty to move about when you are playing video games unlike when you are forced to stay within a specific range because you're using a wired controller.
RE: Wired or Wireless Controllers?

I still have my wired controllers and they are working well. But I have stopped using them for the wireless controllers. No one likes stress. It's why most gamers now use wireless controllers.
RE: Wired or Wireless Controllers?

I like wireless controllers because they are easier to use. Interestingly, I have never used wired controllers, and I can't say how the gaming experience differs compared to wireless controllers.
RE: Wired or Wireless Controllers?

I still make use of wired controller. It is cheaper and can last longer than the wireless controller when you are playing games.
Okeluemuka said:
RE: Wired or Wireless Controllers?

I still make use of wired controller. It is cheaper and can last longer than the wireless controller when you are playing games.
How do you deal with the tangling of the wires and when the console controllers start having partial connection that affects your gameplay?
I use more of wireless controllers because it is very convenient and stylish as well.
Sincerem11 said:
I use more of wireless controllers because it is very convenient and stylish as well.
Wireless is definitely going to give you the kind of freedom that you need when you play games.
Henrywrites said:
Wireless is definitely going to give you the kind of freedom that you need when you play games.
And it is also very efficient, you could decide to play videogames in whatever position that is suitable or convenient without having to worry about over stretching the cables of the controller or pulling it off from its port.
Sincerem11 said:
And it is also very efficient, you could decide to play videogames in whatever position that is suitable or convenient without having to worry about over stretching the cables of the controller or pulling it off from its port.
Most of the new consoles now come with the wireless controllers because it has been proven to be a better choice.
I know some people are still using wired controllers but it's not what I use.

I like using wireless controllers now.