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YouTube or Twitch for game's streaming?


Aug 23, 2022
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If you're looking at choosing the best streaming platform for video games, which one do you think is best between YouTube and Twitch?

In my opinion, I believe Twitch to be the best because it's mainly for video games streaming unlike YouTube that cover more areas.
RE: YouTube or Twitch for game's streaming?

I have account on both Twitch and YouTube. If I'm going to choose between them, I will go with YouTube because it's what I'm more familiar with.
RE: YouTube or Twitch for game's streaming?

YouTube is pretty fine for streaming games. I have mastered how to play some games by following on YouTube.
I have been using YouTube more frequently for video games streaming.

In the past I enjoyed watching Livestream on twitch but I haven't done that in a while.
It's YouTube preferably for me. I don't know how to use Twitch very well which is why I have stuck with YouTube for years now.

YouTube haven't let me down yet, so it's my favourite streaming application.
I have never been on twitch though, if I want to watch any video game streaming videos I just go to YouTube.

I am considering starting my own you tube channel where I would upload contents on supersmash Bros and other games I play.
I have never considered streaming my gaming because I don't get to play enough and for longer time.

Maybe I would use YouTube or even TikTok if it's possible for me to use it. I would prefer TikTok.
Rach said:
If you're looking at choosing the best streaming platform for video games, which one do you think is best between YouTube and Twitch?

In my opinion, I believe Twitch to be the best because it's mainly for video games streaming unlike YouTube that cover more areas.
Twitch is better for video games streaming from my experience of using both of them - YouTube and Twitch.

YouTube is good but they copied Twitch in video games streaming.
I have not used either YouTube or Twitch for video games streaming. In fact, I have no idea how to stream my games.
Joy101 said:
I have never been on twitch though, if I want to watch any video game streaming videos I just go to YouTube.

I am considering starting my own you tube channel where I would upload contents on supersmash Bros and other games I play.
Do you have any long term plans for the YouTube channel? Would you be having it monetized in the future?
It's only YouTube that I have been streaming on since I started playing video games. It's where I know how to do my thing.
I would always use YouTube when I want to stream videogames related contents.

I have a twitch account as well but I don't visit regularly.
I created a Twitch account yesterday. I will be navigating it today to know more about it.
I believe that they are very good for video game's streaming. Anyone that's going to work well for you is what you should use.
Sincerem11 said:
I would always use YouTube when I want to stream videogames related contents.

I have a twitch account as well but I don't visit regularly.
I don't have any account on Twitch. I have no interests in creating an account on Twitch because YouTube is doing so well me.
I don't stream and I don't usually follow live streams but I believe youtube is a better platform because it has a huge audience.
I will be playing Resident Evil Village tonight again and I'm planning on streaming it on my Twitch account. 