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How long do you cool off before starting a new game?


Aug 23, 2022
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When you have just completed a game, do you start playing a new one immediately or do you take some time off to cool down before starting a new game? It depends on the next game that I'm going to start playing. If it's something I can't wait, I'll be starting it immediately.
RE: How long do you cool off before starting a new game?

I cool off at least 1 week after completing a game before starting to play a new game. I have a lot of games to play but I still take my time to rest a bit when I completed a game.
RE: How long do you cool off before starting a new game?

I play mostly on weekends because of my working schedule. So, a week or 2 is always fine for me to start a new game.
I usually cool off for at least 1 week before getting back into a new game. It's unless I have a pressing game that I need to play.
Nothing more than a day unless I have other activities I need to attend to , I could sometimes stay off video games for a month or more .
I take more time playing any particular game. When I eventually have it completed, there's no need cooling off because I never burnt myself out playing it.
Cooling off for two days is good for me to get into the right frame of mind to start playing another game.
I cool off as long as I want to. It might be a day or two. Sometimes, I don't cool off at all.
Sometimes I begin a new immediately I am done with the one I am currently playing , it all depends on my mood and what I am doing during that timeframe.
Generally speaking, I don't cool off. I start another game if I have spare time and if I am in the mood to play.
Generally speaking, I don't cool off. I start another game if I have spare time and if I am in the mood to play.
My mood is what determines how fast I start playing another game immediately. 

This will make me enjoy the game more or not enjoy it. 