This game was such a huge and important part of my childhood. I played this whenever I visited my best friend and I have so many good memories with it! What about you guys?
So I know alot of you will probably say that today it's garbage.... and I agree lol. However there once was a time it was on top of the industry. Did you guys ever get to use it during the 3.x days? Did you use it after that?
Are the console wars still a thing? I know they are atill rivals but once there was a time when it was all you'd hear about especially online butnI haven't heard any of that in ages.
Since the original was locked and I really like this idea I will re make this game! Poat a domain that would be funny for mindpliff!
This is probably a shot in the dark but has anyonr here tried TrueBasic? I used to take a class on it back in high school and wonder how widely practiced it is.
So I was linked to this site by 1@Laifot[/uSER] aftee he foubd MY forum and I figured I would stop in and say hi and probably post as regularly as I can.