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  1. M

    Mind Piff is Back

    RE: Mind Piff is Back Canada is starting to get a lot more cases now.. apparently China is almost returning back to normal. But I don’t buy it, do you guys?
  2. M

    Mind Piff is Back in Action

    Woohoo! Glad that you’re back!
  3. M

    Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

    RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use! Our compiler is back, but currently still undergoing some testing. https://ide.codeforum.org powered by Judge0!
  4. M

    Steam Games

    RE: Steam Games Anyone want to add each other on Steam?
  5. M

    Steam Games

    RE: Steam Games Lol you should get Bus simulator 2018, yes I have no life shh
  6. M

    Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

    RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use! It’s going to be a little different but should work great, little more languages too. Just working on execution time.
  7. M

    Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

    RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use! We will be bringing it back shortly!
  8. M

    Hello Friends

    Howdy there! Welcome to MindPiff!
  9. M

    Hey everybody!

    How have you been?
  10. M

    Hey everybody!

    Welcome to MindPiff! Look forward to seeing you around :)
  11. M

    Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

    RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use! Hi @Weboogle, Unfortunately, as of right now it is down indefinitely. Cheers,
  12. M

    What are you listening to?

    RE: What are you listening to? Sounds of machines running
  13. M


    RE: HTML5 I love HTML5! You should learn CSS you’ll be impressed what HTML and CSS can do with each other ;)
  14. M

    Alarm clocks

    RE: Alarm clocks I wake up at 10am I have about 30 alarms set lol I hate waking up in the mornings too
  15. M

    What color of theme do you like?

    RE: What color of theme do you like? I own a coding forum so for me its dark because it’s easier to read and especially when coding all day it can be gentle on the old eyes
  16. M

    Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

    RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use! Compiler will be down until further notice!
  17. M

    Our Code Compiler is yours to use!

    RE: Our Code Compiler is yours to use! Awesome! :)
  18. M

    Matthew here!

    Hello Mathew Welcome :)
  19. M

    Hope to Seneca

    Awesome name! :)
  20. M

    Hello everyone!

    Hello there! Welcome to Mind Piff! :)