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What color of theme do you like?


Mar 31, 2019
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For my drumming and web development (I want a unique look.) forums I have dark - but the religious one I want to keep light. Anyway, studies have shown half of people like "only light", half can stand either - and a quarter only like dark. Those aren't exact figures, just something around that.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

Nice. Yeah I personally on this site use the light theme. I know 1@Laifot[/uSER] uses the dark theme as do some others. I like the light one though myself. And a religious site should have a light theme so your right about that :D
RE: What color of theme do you like?

Nice. Yeah I personally on this site use the light theme. I know 1@Laifot[/uSER] uses the dark theme as do some others. I like the light one though myself. And a religious site should have a light theme so your right about that :D
Dark seems to be making a mockery of religion. Also, dark isn't good for stuff like babysitting sites etc..
RE: What color of theme do you like?

I tend to prefer light themes, although I don't particularly mind using dark ones.. :)
RE: What color of theme do you like?

They have a weird niche known as Black Hat SEO. In that one, black is the preferred color for their web development/business websites. Who has visited one? A cool one was called "TrafficGangster.Club" - but it's since went down. O.K. a popular one now is Black Hat World.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

They have a weird niche known as Black Hat SEO. In that one, black is the preferred color for their web development/business websites. Who has visited one? A cool one was called "TrafficGangster.Club" - but it's since went down. O.K. a popular one now is Black Hat World.
I've seen blackhatworld. Yeah that's an interesting site and one of the more popular ones with a dark theme. Probably one of the most popular having a dark theme. Never heard of traffic gangster though.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

I've seen blackhatworld. Yeah that's an interesting site and one of the more popular ones with a dark theme. Probably one of the most popular having a dark theme. Never heard of traffic gangster though.
That one wasn't a mega-site. It was just some forum that used to be on Forum Promotion.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

I prefer light as it's more professional looking. It usually depends on my mood really, prefer dark at nights due to my eyes and the brightness of the screen. I guess each to their own.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

I own a coding forum so for me its dark because it’s easier to read and especially when coding all day it can be gentle on the old eyes
RE: What color of theme do you like?

I prefer lighter themes now, some dark ones are too dark.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

I own a coding forum so for me its dark because it’s easier to read and especially when coding all day it can be gentle on the old eyes
Dark themes usually work best on certain niche forums. I see them most regularly on coding/gaming forums etc. They work well because of that reason, that people like to feel comfortable after sitting all day staring at a screen of gaming or coding.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

To be honest I don't have a massive preference, my first theme started off as a light one, and then I created a light and dark version, however, my current theme just consists as a dark version.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

Black and white and blue, currently the color theme of my latest news forum.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

I tend to like dark themes, but that's partially because I have chronic migraines and light themes make them hurt more. In terms of color schemes overall, though, I'm a big fan of mild themes like themes with pastels or dark, mild colors. Basically, I just don't like bright tones most of the time.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

Light on dark for me personally.
RE: What color of theme do you like?

I prefer blue themes always :)