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Hope to Seneca

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No problem @Seneca hopefully this is the last time! :D

hehe I look forward to the future.
It looks weird, i haven't heard that name since high school and now you're the one spreading the word again lol.

You avatar kills it! :D
It looks weird, i haven't heard that name since high school and now you're the one spreading the word again lol.
You avatar kills it! :D
I wasn't sure about the avatar but it looked like the best option.
I wasn't sure about the avatar but it looked like the best option.
You should design a cool signature, it might make more sense than the space cowboy that you have now :P
You should design a cool signature, it might make more sense than the space cowboy that you have now :p
Is it any better now?
Do you now like curry or what? :P

Seneca reminds me of the old game Age Of Mythology. The greeks were really cool!
I was wondering who Seneca was when I saw and responded to my profile posts.. Now I know!
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